Monday, September 21, 2020


I have never seen so much rage in this country. In all my life, never have I seen such rage against our President. Rage against our police men and women. Rage against each other. White, black, Hispanic, etc. etc. Rage against Christianity.This whole country as been in a total state of rage the last few months. With social injustice and the corona virus, people are at their breaking point. There was a song by the rock band J Geils. It was called "Rage in the Cage." With what is going on reminds me of this song, in title only. America is in one big cage match, and we are all raging against each other. The riots, looting, vandalism and violence towards each other, unbelievable! Aren't we all Americans? Why are we fighting against each other?

Gods word teaches us to love one another.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Where Were You?

"Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning)" is a song written and sung by country super star Alan Jackson. The song and it's writer are asking "where were you on 9/11/2001. That morning terrorists carried out the most evil attack ever on American soil. Four planes were hijacked that morning. Two of them were crashed intentionally into the Twin Towers in New York City. One was crashed into the Pentagon building in Washington D.C. The fourth one was thwarted by passengers before it could get anyplace else and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.

I remember exactly where I was that morning. I was at work loading a truck when the driver came in and said that one of the towers in New York had been hit by a plane. "No way" I thought. Drivers come in all the time telling tall stories. I went into our shipping office to get paperwork and my boss had WGN news radio on. They were going on and on about what had happened in New York. Okay, so the driver was correct. I could not believe what I was hearing. How is that even possible? Then the unthinkable happens. A second plane hit the other tower. What?? Is this really going on right now?

I make an immediate call home to my wife at the time to see if she had heard. She was home caring for our 3 year old daughter. She said that she had and wanted me to come home as soon as possible. As I was on the phone with her, the one tower fell. We were speechless. Could not even fathom that this was done deliberately. How could someone even think this, let alone do it. And then, the second tower collapsed. Oh my goodness.

The good that came out of this tragedy was that instead of alienating us, it brought all of America together. Everywhere you went the American flag was on display. Flying outside of buildings. Bumper stickers on cars. The little flags that you could hang on your car windows. They were everywhere. Every American was proud to be an American. This tragedy unified us. Bonded U.S. closer together.

For a little while that is.

Fast forward 19 years. It is now 2020 and the people that swore they "would never forget" seemed to have forgotten what happened on that September morning. The police who were some of the first responders to run towards the towers and help people as they were trying to get out, were hailed as heroes. Now, they are seen as the enemy. They are hated and despised by many across this nation. A lot has changed in the last 19 years, and not for the better. Instead of a foreign terrorist attack dividing us, we are divided and fighting against each other.

Oh, how I wish that we could go back to September 12, 2001. We were all one people. Americans. Standing for one and for all.

This attack on our great nation shook us to our core. Nothing like this has ever happened to us before. Hopefully it never happens again.

Thankfully we can look forward to what God has in store for us.

Hebrews 12:28 New Living Translation

Saturday, September 5, 2020

United States, Not Divided States.

The last time that I checked, our country was still The United States of America, right? USA and proud of it. Lately it seems to be a different story in our country. It seems that certain people want us to believe that we are becoming a divided nation. Division on race, politics, gender, etc. etc. To me that is just what Satan wants. He wants us to be divided and fighting against each other. He does what ever he can to distract us from Jesus and His truth. Satan is the father of lies.