Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Predicting Snow, Predicting The Return Of Jesus!

With the title of this blog, both events seem to be very difficult to do. The weather people have all this fancy equipment to use to predict the weather. Doppler radar, satellites, computers, and they are still wrong it seems most of the time. How many times have we been warned "big snow storm is coming!" Then nothing materializes. They get us all worked up for a big letdown. Predicting a snow storm, or snowfall of any kind seems to a hard thing to do. Even with all the equipment and knowledge.

That's the same with trying to predict the return of Jesus. The Bible give us a list of things that will happen before His return, but some people think that the know better than God, The Father! We've had pastors, false prophets, scientist all try to predict the return of Jesus. Guess what? All have failed. They get everybody worked up with what they think will be the end of the world, and the next day, we are all still here.

Nobody knows when the return of Jesus will be. Some think that they can outsmart God. They would be wrong!

Matthew 24:36 The Message

36 “But the exact day and hour? No one knows that, not even heaven’s angels, not even the Son. Only the Father knows.

Since no one knows the day or the hour, we should always be prepared for His return. It could happen at any moment.

Just like when the we prepare for an impending snow fall. We get our shovels out. Prepare our snow blowers. Make sure we have supplies in the car in case we get stranded. We need to prepare for the second coming of Jesus.

How do we do this you may ask. Well, we need to pray. We to be in close communication with The Son. Talking with Him daily. Then we need to dive into Gods word. Read Scripture to see what God wants from us and how to live until Jesus' return. We need to repent of our sins and get right with God! Start living the life that He has called us too. We need to share our faiths with others. We want others to know about Jesus and the salvation that only He can give!

How many times have you woken up in the morning to be surprised by snow? It wasn't called for or even in the forecast. Yet, there it is. All over the ground and your car. Very inconvenient to say the least.

1 Thessalonians 5:2 The Passion Translation

2 For you already know quite well that the day of the Lord will come unexpectedly and as a complete surprise.

Just think, one day, Jesus will return. Just like that unexpected snowfall. But unlike the snow, His return will not be an inconvenience. It will Glorious! So be prepared. ALWAYS!!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Facing A Daunting Day.

 We work with dock appointment calendars where I work.  A typical, manageable day is about 5-6 trucks. One day this week I had one day that looked daunting to me. There were nine trucks scheduled for me that day. Eight to unload and one to load. On top of that, it was the day that I need to leave on time because I go volunteer after work. So it looked pretty daunting to say the least.

Philippians 4:13 New Living Translation

13 For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

I knew that I would get through the day because Jesus would give me the strength to do so. I can do all things. Even when things look daunting. He strengthens me. Gives me wisdom & knowledge to be efficient. 

So I start on my first truck and finish pretty quickly. I thought to myself, "wow, that wasn't to bad." On to the second. Again it went pretty smooth. This went on throughout the day. I kept unloading truck after truck. Marking them off the calendar as I went along. As I headed to lunch, I looked at the calendar to see how I was doing. I had already knocked out five of my trucks. "Wow, I'm not in to bad a shape, heading into the afternoon." 

After lunch, the next truck had already backed into the dock. So I went to work. That truck was finished. Then the next one was finished. Only had two left and I had two hours to get them done. I thought that this was really going to happen. Finish on time. And that is just what happened. Both of my remaining trucks showed up and were loaded and unloaded by 2:30. Now all I had to do was put some of the product away. With the product being put away, paperwork finished & forklift plugged in. I punched out at 3:31. Thank You Jesus. 

The day may have looked daunting on paper, but GOD!

Mark 10:27 New Living Translation

27 Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”

When I looked at that calendar before I started my day, I knew that I couldn't do it with my own strength. I needed God to help me. I needed Him to lead me, guide me and direct me on how to pull this off and still get out on time to go volunteer. Guess what? He came through. Just like He always does. God made me dauntless to face the day.

So I encourage you today. No matter what you are facing. It may look daunting in the natural. Put it in Jesus' capable hands. He is able, more than able to help you through. I know many of you are facing more difficult situations than my busy day at work. Jesus is in the details. Nothing is to big or to small for Him!

Psalm 55:22 The Passion Translation

22 So here’s what I’ve learned through it all. Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.

God Bless.