I was listening to an album by the band We The Kingdom while driving the other day. This particular album was recorded live at the famous Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, TN.
On this particular album they have a song, I don't recall the title right now, but during the song, the band dies down and the backup singers take over. They keep singing the name of Jesus. They would sing Jesus, pause for a moment and then sing His name again. They would do this over and over again for a few minutes. The pause in between singing Jesus' name seemed almost like a time to reflect on His name.
So this one day I was stopped at a red traffic light. To me it seemed longer than usual. I was listening to that album and that song at that exact moment while waiting for the light to turn green.
I've listened to this song many times, but at that moment, it just hit different. I knew the part was coming where the band dies down and the backup singers take over. So, I'm there waiting for the light to change and listening to this song.
The name Jesus came across my van speakers, then the pause. I started thinking about His name. You know, The name above every other name. (Philippians 2:9) What does His name mean to me.
Here it came again.
I thought that I have a Father in Heaven loves me. (1 John 4:9)
He is my Savior. (1 John 4:14)
He is my Provider, Protector, my everything. (Philippians 4:19) (Isiah 54:17)(Psalm 73:25-26)
He is my friend. (Proverbs 18:14)
I could go on and on, but I think that you get the idea. I do think that God made the red light extra long for a reason. Just like He made the sun & moon stand still for a little bit extra time. (Joshua 10:12-13)
He wanted me to reflect on His name and what He means to me. All that He has done and continues to do. I never want to forget any of that.
So I encourage you to do the same. Take time, slow down. Maybe God has your sitting at a red light for a reason. Reflect back on Jesus' name and what it means to you. What He means to you.
God bless.
Rev. Kev.
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