So, you've finally made a decision to go on a trip, someplace that you have never been before. You load up the car and put the destination address into either Google or Apple maps on your phone, or your GPS unit. (Do people still use GPS?) You pull out of the drive and head on down the road. Google or Apple maps will start giving you instructions on which ways to turn and go. Left, right. How many miles to the next turn, etc.
So you are sailing along approaching your destination, when something goes wrong. You don't pay attention to the directions and miss your turn. Or turn the wrong way. All of sudden your unit has to recalculate to find out where you are and give you new directions. Most of the time if you are lucky you just have to go around the block to get back on track.
I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me. I start thinking I know more than a computer mapping system. News flash, I don't! Especially in a bigger city. This most recently happened to me when I traveled to St. Louis to see a Stryper concert. Due to construction, one way streets and a pouring rain, I was turned around and so lost. The mapping system could not keep up because I kept turning so rapidly. I finally stopped to let it catch up, and when it finally did, it said that I was at my destination. I had passed it at least twice without even realizing it.
All this had me thinking about God and His direction for our lives. He is the ultimate GPS. He knows what the best path (road) for us to take.
I was thinking about the Old Testament Israelites. God told them He had a land picked out for them. A land of Milk & Honey.
Deuteronomy 26:9 New Living Translation
9 He brought us to this place and gave us this land flowing with milk and honey!
All they had to do was trust in The Lord. But they were a stubborn bunch, to say the least. They were poised to enter the land that God had promised to give them. But because their unbelief, they were turned around and had to wander in the wilderness for forty more years.
Numbers 14:34-35 Living Bible
34-35 “‘Since the spies were in the land for forty days, you must wander in the wilderness for forty years—a year for each day, bearing the burden of your sins. I will teach you what it means to reject me. I, Jehovah, have spoken. Every one of you who has conspired against me shall die here in this wilderness.’”
A trip that should have lasted only eleven days, lasted forty years. It took forty years because of grumbling, complaining and unbelief in God.
It's sometimes the same with my GPS unit. "It doesn't know the right way!" "I can go a different route." Well that doesn't really work. Need to trust in the system to get me where I am supposed to be.
Just like we are to trust in God to get us where we are going. We'll end up eventually at our destination, just depends on how long we want to take getting there!
I have been feeling this for a while now. I feel like I am getting close to a break through, something from God and then, I am going through the wilderness again. Another trip around whatever object you insert here. Tree, mountain, block, whatever. I don't know what I am doing wrong or what is preventing me from the break through, but I pray and repent and wait! His ways are higher!
Isaiah 55:8Amplified Bible
8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
So I encourage you. Whatever path you are on. Trust in God, the best GPS there is. He knows what direction is best for you!
God bless.
Rev. Kev.