Saturday, February 1, 2025


 I keep seeing this on Facebook, almost everyday. It is a saying that says "In a world where you can be anything, be kind." I love this saying. It doesn't cost a thing to be kind to someone, or take much effort.

Romans 15:2 The Message

15:2 Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?”

Did you know that kindness or words of encouragement transcends language barriers & culture differences. Even religious differences

I work on a receiving dock. I deal with drivers who are from around the world. There is a truck line that delivers to me that was started by people from the Ukraine. I see drivers from Canada, Russia, India, Ethiopia & Somalia. They can be male or female. Older, younger. Single or couples. In a moment of irony, with what is going on with Russia and Ukraine, I had a female Russian driver, driving for the Ukrainian trucking company.

Some of these drivers speak perfect English, the others not so much. But the one thing that they all have in common is this. Whenever I am finished unloading their trailer and take the paperwork out to them, I always tell them "great job." "Keep up the good work." "Appreciate the job you are doing!" English, some English, or little to no English, they all understand the kindness that I am extending to them. The words of encouragement that I speak to them. They always and I mean always get a big smile on their face when I say these words to them. (Especially The Female Drivers) They understand kindness, no matter the language difference.

I even have Muslim drivers come in to deliver. I am wearing my Christian witness wear and when I give them their paperwork, I do not treat them any differently than I do anyone else. I've had drivers look at the shirt that I am wearing and do the whole eye roll thing, probably expecting me to treat them harshly or not friendly because I am a Christian and they are not. Jesus tells us to love everyone. So that is what I do.

1 John 4:8 Living Bible

8 But if a person isn’t loving and kind, it shows that he doesn’t know God—for God is love.

I can not go around claiming to be a Christ follower and not be kind & loving. It just doesn't work. If I want people to see Jesus in me, I need to be kind and friendly to them. Even those who have a different faith than me.

I want to be the reason that somebody smiles today. That maybe sometime later in the day or even a few days later, that driver will remember that receiving guy treated me kindly and encouraged me. And they will smile with that memory.

I had an encounter today while eating lunch with a family who had a special needs son. He came right up to where I was sitting and said hi. I greeted him back and he started telling me all what he had going on at that moment. I talked with him until he had to order his food. His mom turned around and thanked me for being kind to him. She said that most people shy away or ignore him altogether. I told her we should be kind to everyone. I'm not saying this to say "Look how good Keven is." No, just saying that it took a couple of minutes of my time to interact with this young man to be kind to him.

So I encourage you. This world is so full of negativity, lets be the positive. Let's spread kindness and love to everyone that we come across. We will never know what that person is facing.

God bless.

Rev. Kev.

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