Sunday, November 25, 2012


I made a pretty big blunder this past Thanksgiving weekend (2012). I logged onto Facebook and started checking out my news feed. The language that I have noticed the last few weeks had me on notice. Every curse word that I saw, I would automatically block that person. I wanted to delete them, but decided not to.

So I scroll down my page and I notice an old high school friend with a post that really made my blood boil. The post had both the 'f' word and Jesus in the same sentance. I immediately assumed that my friend had posted this, so I blocked them. Well in doing so, I alienated a friend. I replied with a post on my own page about this friend being a Christian and posting things like that, and attacking their denomination as well. A couple of mutual friends called me out on it. Asking my who am I to judge and said that I am a hypocrite. Wow, I could not believe it. How could they. How dare they!

Then I started thinking. Wow, they are right. I wasn't showing Jesus to my friend. I was showing a wordly attitude instead. I was being judemental and hypocritical. They made me see the situation from a different perspective. I thank them for that. I found out that my friends account had been hacked and the post taken down. If I hadn't blocked so quickly, I would have known this.

I checked a little while later in my friends list to see if they had un-friended me. They had. I understand why. It just makes me sad. This situation just makes me look at everything and check things out before assuming. You know what happens when you assume, right! Nothing good!

Forgive me Lord, for my poor representation of you this time! I am still a work in progress, and thank You for still working on me, in me and through me.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Credentialing.

This is the story of my credentialing process to get my ministry certificate.

I had to have my application in by the end of January, along with all of the fees and other stuff. I did that, and waited. I waited for my interview and test. And I waited, and waited, and waited some more. Finally in July, I recieved the date for my interview and test. Great news!

So the day finally came for the inteview and test. I passed both with flying colors. So I started to expect that my certificate would come in the mail. I waited, waited and waited some more. Nothing came. Then I recieved an email, stating that my wife and I had to attend another meeting to further along the process. So my wife and I attended the meeting, and got the go ahead for my certificate. Then I started expecting something in the mail again. Again, nothing came.

Then another email asking about a question that I left blank on my test. I replied back with my answer, and thought "what next". So one Saturday night, after a long day out, my wife and I arrive home. I walk out to get the mail and I see a letter from the Illinois District Assembly of God. I thought "what do they want now?"  I walk into my garage for better lighting, and I notice that the envelope is addressed to Rev. Keven Foulk. Hallelujah, praise the Lord. I finally recieved my credentials! I am a pastor now. So after so many months and almost actually quitting the process, I received my credentials! The big question is:

Now what do I do with it???

I can not wait to see what God has in store for me and my family. I expect that He is going to do great things with us. All I can say is " here I am Lord, use me".