Sunday, September 26, 2021

Black & White & A Baseball Game.

 A friend of mine invited my wife and I to go see the Chicago Cubs play the St. Louis Cardinals. He is a Cubs fan, we are Cardinals fans. The game was played at Wrigley Field. We arrived at the stadium, made our way to our seats, and were ready for the start of the game. We had four seats kind of in the middle of the row. I sat on the outside seat of our group. Just before the game began, an African-American gentleman proceeded up the stairs and into our row and sat down beside me. First thing he did was introduce himself and asked for my name in return. We fist bumped each other and settled in. I'm not sure settled is a good word. If you've ever sat in those upper deck seats. They are really small. So you are always trying to adjust to get comfortable in them. So your not really "settled" per se.

As the game started and progressed, he and I talked. We talked strategy. We talked about mistakes both teams were making. Discussed passed balls that got by the catchers. He lamented that back in the day, that just didn't happen. He was an old school baseball fan. We talked about catchers like Johnny Bench. Thurman Munson. Carlton Fisk. The ball very rarely made it passed those catchers. I told him that today's catchers are to focused on their offense now, not defense. Unless you are Yadi Molina. He is in a whole different league.

The reason I bring all of this up is this. If you listen to the media now a days, this gentleman and I should not have been sitting next to each other or even talking with each other. The media seems like they are trying to divide the races into black and white. We can't intermix or interact with each other. According to them.

Well, not only did we break the mold of that kind of thinking, we totally shattered it. We sat by each other for the whole game. Talked with each other for the whole game. Enjoyed each others company. Every time we had to adjust to get comfortable in our seats, we jostled each other. Each one of us always apologized for doing that. We kept telling each that they were good. No worries! That we are all in this together.

The only differences between he and I were, he was black, I am white. He was a Cub fan, I am a Cardinals fan. We had a few similarities. We were both tall, bald and male.

If you know me very well at all, you know that I really don't see color. He was just a fan sitting next to me rooting for his team while I rooted for mine.

Mark 12:31 The Passion Translation

31 And the second is this: ‘You must love your neighbor in the same way you love yourself.’ You will never find a greater commandment than these.”

This gentleman and I were neighbors for over three hours and nine innings of baseball. We both cared about what happened to each other as the game went along. We made sure to do the best that we could to make sure each other was as comfortable as possible.

When it was all over and the Cardinals had won their 15th game in a row. He got up and not only shook my hand, but also my wife's and my friends as well. He bid us farewell and he disappeared into the sea of people.

So, take that you naysayers!! We can and will get along just fine! God Bless!

Friday, September 24, 2021

The Debate Continues.

 A year and a half later, the mask debate has not died down. Not even close. We're told to wear masks here and not there. Inside yes, outside no. On and on it goes. People are still on both sides of the debate. Some say they work, while others say they don't. Me, I'm not sure. I know I have not gotten covid since wearing a mask. Who said I would have gotten it without a mask? I have to wear it at least 8 hours a day at work because my employer requires it. Do I enjoy it? Not really. Kind of bothersome. A bit harder to breathe not going to lie. But if they are paying me and require it, then I'll wear it. Just like every other kind of PPE they require.

Want to know what else I don't really like to wear or use? Seat belts. Steel toe boots, hard helmets, sunscreen. The list goes on and on. Just like seat belts don't stop car accidents, or steel toe boots don't stop your foot from getting smashed. Same with a hard helmet. If something heavy enough falls on your head, it's going to get crushed. Sun screen doesn't prevent you from getting sunburn. It will lessen the effects, but you could still get it. That's how the mask works. It's not meant to or supposed to stop the virus. It is just supposed to slow down the spread of it. It makes it harder for someone to breathe directly on you, or you on them.

Like I said earlier. I'm not really sure of the effectiveness of the mask. All I know is that me and my family have not had covid, and we have all worn a mask when required.

I am not for or against wearing a mask. I don't agree with it being forced on people. To me it is a personal decision. Wear it fine. Don't wear it, fine. Just don't judge me or others for what we are doing or not doing. We are doing what we believe is right for ourselves and families. 

Just like driving a car without a seat belt and getting into an accident. Or not wearing sun screen and get a sun burn. You know the consequences of those actions. But it's still your choice.

The same with the vaccine. Get it, don't get it. Personal choice, right? Well unfortunately that debate rages on as well. Again, if me and my family get the shot, we are doing what we think is best for our families. Same goes if we don't get the shot. We chose to not get it and that's what we think is best for our families.

I'm just tired of everyone trying to force their opinion on others. I have seen other Christians and even some pastors who mock and criticize people who do either of the acts. To me, that's not what being a Christian is. Doesn't Jesus call us to love one another? Regardless of our vaxed or un-vaxed status? You did or did not get the vaccine. Not for me to worry about. Same goes for me. If I got it or didn't get it. What concern is it of yours? Again, it's our choice and what we believe is best for ourselves, our families and our situations.

Philippians 2:3 The Passion Translation

3 Be free from pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves.

Christ calls us to be in unity. Not a divided people. This is exactly what this virus/pandemic is doing to us. Causing a mass divide amongst His people. People who should be lifting each other up, not tearing each other down.

Ephesians 4:29 Amplified Bible

29 Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words ever come out of your mouth, but only such speech as is good for building up others, according to the need and the occasion, so that it will be a blessing to those who hear [you speak].

So I urge you today to respect other peoples opinions on this mask/no mask, vaccine/ no vaccine debate.

May God bless you on whatever decision you make!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Almost Got To Meet Jesus!

 This past Saturday, my brother and I went to see Stryper in concert. They played the Arcada Theater in St. Charles. The show ended around 12:00 AM. We were headed home and almost to Sycamore when we came real close to meeting Jesus. You see, a car coming from the other direction swerved into our lane and forced us off the road and into the ditch. Luckily it wasn't a steep ditch, more like a grassy shoulder. We were able to drive on it and navigate it no problem. We decided to turn around and follow this lane offender to see what they were up to and alert the authorities if needed. We didn't have to go far to see that they had crashed head on into a guard rail about an 1/8 mile after they forced us off the road. We called 911, met with the officer and then made our way home. A little shaken but thankful we were alive. Thankful for Jesus' arm of protection around us. I told my brother that God isn't finished with us yet, that is why He protected us from a possible head on collision.

Those that know me well, know that I had another car accident experience about 30 years ago, where we should have died. My friend and I were out cruising and we ended up in Big Rock. I thought that I had more time than I had and pulled out in front of a construction truck. He tore off the front end of my car. I can still see the wheels going across in front of my face. The driver was so sure that he killed us that when he got to our car, not only were we alive, we were out and walking around. He could not believe it. The only injury was my friend who head butted the rear view mirror and it fell into his lap. 

The connection between these two events is the band Stryper. In the actual accident, we were listening to their cassette "To Hell With The Devil". I firmly believe that because we were listening to their music God saved us from a certain death. I wasn't a Christian then, but I sure liked their music. Didn't really pay much attention to the lyrics of the songs. Just jammed to the music. 

 That accident 30 years ago, God had a plan for me. He wasn't finished with me quite yet. Fast forward 30 years. I am now a Christian and also a pastor. See, His plan. I had no idea.

So this second event we had just finished watching Stryper perform live. To me it was worship. I had my arms in the air, not fist pumping, but in worship. So again, I firmly believe that because we worshipped with Stryper, God saved us from certain death once again. This band has a connection with me and being saved from bad things by God. Listening to them and now really paying attention to the lyrics, God honored that. No one can tell me different.

Jeremiah 29:11 New Living Translation

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Thank You Lord. Thank You for Your protection and the band Stryper!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Do You Believe??


I was given the t-shirt pictured above for volunteering at a News Boys concert. Their tour manager told me I could pick from anyone of the shirts they had hanging on the wall. I picked this one for a couple of different reasons. First, it came in my size. Secondly I picked it because it had an American flag on it with the words "Do You Believe". Being my moms son, I loved the flag and patriotic motif. It also was asking a very interesting question. Do you believe in The USA? Do you support America? My unapologetic answer was and still is..............YES!!


With everything that is going on today, I still believe that America is the greatest nation in the world. No matter what our current leaders are trying to do it. I have great pride in being an American. Standing for our National Anthem with my hand over my heart. Ever since 9/11 happened, every time I hear the National Anthem, I get teary eyed. I don't know why, I just do! That scene with Sammy Sosa running onto the field with the American flag in his hands, oh my!! If I am ever at any kind of event where the American flag will be carried by, I stand to my feet in honor, respect and reverence. This flag, the American flag is for all Americans. No matter what race you are. No matter what gender you are. No matter, if you are an American, the flag is for you. Now I know there are people who will dispute this and that's alright. Not going to change my actions towards it one bit.

Now my mom was as patriotic as it gets. You would have thought that she served in the military, but alas, she did not. Her house was adorned with wall hangings, towels, magnets, pictures, on and on of American decorations. When she passed away we even bought an urn that had the American flag all over it. We dedicated a park bench at the local school for people to sit on. You guessed it. It was red, white and blue! We even had an American flag engraved on her cemetery marker.

As much as I miss her, I am kind of glad the she isn't around to see what is happening to the country that she so dearly loved. She would be sick & heart broken to see and know what is going on today. 

Isaiah 5:20 New Living Translation
20 What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.

I think this why we are in the shape that we are in as a country. We have everything turned upside down. We are calling good evil and evil good. Everything is opposite of what God wants for us.

We need to pray for America and her leaders! Pray like never before. That we will repent and turn from our wicked ways! Only then and maybe then will we ever return to greatness.

So yes, I do believe that America will be great again! It may take some time, but we'll get there. God has a plan for us. Just need to be patient and wait on The Lord!

2 Chronicles 7:14 New Living Translation

14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.

This is my prayer for the good ole USA. That we repent of what we are doing, turn from our wicked ways and seek God in everything that we do. He will hear us and heal our land. Oh what a glorious day that will be!!