Friday, July 24, 2015

GOD, And My Drive To The Fair.

Last week I volunteered at the Stephenson County fair. I was helping out some friends in their church booth. I was scheduled from 6 - 10 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday night I left a little after 10. I had an hour and fifteen minute drive home. I got home a little before eleven thirty. By the time that I got settled in and ready for bed, it was midnight. Did I mention that I had to be to work at six the next morning. So I only had four hours of sleep before heading out to the fair Thursday night. So as I was driving along jamming to my REO Speedwagon, with the volume turned up to Keven's satisfaction, I heard a voice. Just as plain as if I were talking with someone riding along with me. The voice said "how about listening to some Jeremy Camp?" The crazy thing is, I was just thinking about how bored I was getting with the cd's I had been listening to. So I parked my van and went into the fair. When I left for the night, I switched the cd's around in the van. I took out REO and put in Jeremy Camp. So after four hours of sleep, working nine hours and then driving over an hour to the fair, being there for four hours and then finally heading home you think that I would be extremely tired. I was exhausted let me tell you. So I take off and head for home and I turn up the Jeremy Camp cd that I put in the player. You know what? I never got tired on the way home. Never felt sleepy one bit. God spoke to me about my music choice and wanted me to choose worship music. He provided safe travels for my ride home. I was thankful for His provision and protection. On my friends churches website, they have a page of what they believe in. One of their beliefs is that God still speaks. Let me tell you. He does. Everyone keeps telling us to listen to the still small voice. And we must. But God still spoke to me in the middle of "Riding the Storm Out" at a very audible voice. All praise and glory to GOD!