Monday, May 25, 2015

Mary? Or Martha?

Have you ever been invited to a party or hosted a party where there is always someone working and moving around. They never sit still and enjoy the company that is there. They are always picking things up. Cleaning up. Getting drinks, cups or ice, etc. Always seem to be flitting about. Busy! You want to say to them, "sit down and relax. Enjoy your company while they are here. All that other stuff will still be there long after everyone is gone." It reminds me of the story of Martha and Mary in the Bible. In Luke 10: 38-42 it tells the story of Jesus being invited into Martha's house for dinner. While she was concerned about all the details, her sister Mary just sat at Jesus' feet listening to Him talk. Martha complained to Jesus about this. She told him that is wasn't fair for her to be doing all the work while Mary just sat around in His presence. Jesus pretty much told her to relax and not be so worried about all of the details. He said that Mary had it right and would not be taken from her. To sit in the company of her Savior and soak it all in. I'm sure you have heard the saying "slow down and smell the roses." Well, why not slow down and take time to sit in the presence of your Savior. He is waiting for you. He wants to commune with you. We are so busy with the everyday details of our lives, that sometimes we forget God. He should be the center of our lives, not just in the background. Our society always thinks that we have to be busy doing things. That's not God's way. He wants us to take time for Him. To spend quality time with Him. That is His desire and it should be ours as well. So my question to you today is. Are you going to be a Martha? Or, are you going to be a Mary.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fan? Or Follower?

Last week at work, a driver came in wearing (gasp) a Milwaukee Brewers hat. I gasp because I am a Cardinals fan. I proceeded to ask him if he liked the Brewers. He said that yes he did. I started telling him how the Brewers did us a big favor the day before by beating the Cubs. How much that really helped us out. He looked at me quizzically and stated "oh, I'm just a fan. I don't really follow them." Right then and there God did what He always does. He used that conversation to point something out to me. That there is a difference between being a fan of something or someone or being a follower of something or someone. I started to think, not only am I a fan of the Cardinals, but I am also a follower. I know the roster names and positions, batting order, how many games ahead or behind. The scenario for each game and series. I am invested in the team. If I can't watch them on tv, then I track them on my phone. There are only a few people that I know of that I can talk sports with and are fellow followers. We can talk stats, players and what not. But most of the people I come in contact with, are just fans. Casual observers, very little interest. So that's what God was showing me that day. He wants us to be His followers. Not to just know about Jesus, but to know Him, personally! Jesus wants us to be in the game, engaged and participating, not just sitting on the sidelines cheering. We are to take up our cross and follow Him. To many people are comfortable with just knowing about Jesus. They have heard of Him and all the good things that He has done, and think "wow, that's a good story." They do little to grow closer to Him. To know Him personally. To accept Him as their personal Savior. They go to church on Sunday just for the fire insurance. Then come Monday morning they are right back to doing what they always do. I want to be known as a Christ follower. A heart and life that have been changed because of Jesus' grace and forgiveness. So my question to you is this. Are you a FAN? Or a FOLLOWER? There is a great book out that is titled Not A Fan. I suggest that you get it and read it. It is amazing! God Bless!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Over Size Load.

For the last couple of weeks, I have heard sermons about John the Baptist. Preaching from Matthew 3 about how he was preparing the way for Jesus. So when I hear a message more than once, to me it's confirmation. God is trying to tell me something. Along with this God always gives me an object lesson. Something to physically look at instead of just listening. This time was not any different. We were driving home from my in-laws this past weekend in Eastern Iowa, when God showed me what he was talking about with John the Baptist. We were driving on Route 20, about 30 miles outside of Dubuque, when I saw it. A lead car. You know what I am talking about. The ones with the flashing lights and signs warning of an over sized load following. I didn't recognize it at first, but then I saw the huge truck carrying a huge cement cylinder. Then it hit me. That first vehicle was like the John the Baptist. He was preparing the way for the bigger over sized load behind him. The lead car was like John, and the big semi carrying the cement thing was Jesus. And there it was. God's object lesson for me of what He had been telling me the last couple of weeks. What I got out of all of this was, I (we) need to open our mouths and tell someone about Jesus. People will not know about Him, if we don't talk about Him! We need to be the voice in this modern day wilderness shouting, make way for the LORD. I pray that I am up to the task.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Light In The Closet.

My wife is still asleep when I get ready for work in the mornings. So as not to wake her, I don't turn on the overhead light, but I pull the string for the light in the closet. That light is not very bright, but it's enough to get dressed by and get my boots on. Every morning it's the same thing. Well today I realized something that I had been doing all along. I found myself standing a little over an arms length away and stretching and reaching for the pull string. Most of the time I had to do this multiple times because I just couldn't reach. Then I would get mad and say things like "really", or "seriously". Well this morning I discovered something. If I just took a couple of steps more into the closet, I could reach the pull string without much effort and get a good handle on it and it would come on with the first try. "Genius" I thought!! So this got me thinking about people trying to reach God. Far too many people including some Christians stand at an arms length away and strain to reach God. They are content with this distance from Him. They feel that if they can reach just the hem of His robe, they are okay. If I can move a couple of more steps closer to get a good firm grip on a pull string for the light in my closet, couldn't I do the same for Jesus, the light of the world? Step closer to Him and get a firm grip of His right hand. Then one that He will never let go of. I know I want to press in and get closer to Him. I am not content or satisfied with just being around Him, I want to be close to Him. I want to sit at His feet, pressing in against Him, feel His loving arms wrapped around me, reassuring me, keeping me safe. Who knew that this would all start from pulling a string to turn on a light in a closet!