Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Going Nowhere, Fast!


Today I had to drive a forklift that I am not really used to driving. It's an old gas forklift. The control panel is completely different than the truck that I usually drive. This one has a gear shift like a car does. Forward, push it up. Reverse, push it down. Neutral, leave in the middle. So I hop on the truck, get it started, hit the gas pedal and............nothing. The truck does not move. What in the world. I start looking around to see if something is blocking my way. Nope not that. I turn it back off and start over. Turn the key, the motor starts, hit the gas pedal once more and still nothing. Now I am really getting frustrated. Why won't this thing move?? Then I realize that I still have it in neutral. DOH! Not going anywhere with it stuck in neutral! So I put it into gear, and alas, off  I go. Who knew!

Well if you know me at all, this little event got me started thinking about how many of us are living our lives stuck in neutral? Not moving forward or backward. We're just not moving at all. How many of us are stuck in neutral in our walk with Jesus?

God wants us to grow. Not to stay in the same place as when we first believed in Him.

2 Peter 3:18 Living Bible

18 But grow in spiritual strength and become better acquainted with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be all glory and splendid honor, both now and forevermore. 

He wants us to mature as we walk with Him. How many of us get annoyed with someone when they still act childish after they have reached adulthood? Many of us I would say!

1 Corinthians 13:11 Living Bible

11 It’s like this: when I was a child I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child does. But when I became a man my thoughts grew far beyond those of my childhood, and now I have put away the childish things.

Jesus wants us to engage, not to just sit idly by (staying in neutral). Get to doing. Be Jesus' hands & feet extended. Help someone out. Be the light to somebody. 

Revelation 3:16 New Living Translation

16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! 

He is calling us to action. If we stay lukewarm (neutral) we are useless to Him. Then we go nowhere, fast!

I want to be used by God. I want to say "Speak Lord, Your servant is listening." I don't want to be lukewarm or stuck in neutral. 

I pray the same for all of you. Time to put it into gear!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

So, You Think You Can Run Away!

 How many times have we been called by God or called on by God to do something, only to think that we can run away from Him? Saying "nope, can't do that."

That didn't work out so well for Jonah when God asked him to go and preach against the city of Nineveh, for the wickedness that they were doing against God! Jonah said "nope, not today" and ran off in a different direction. God used many tactics to get Jonah to turn around. He caused a great storm to come against the boat that he was sailing on. He was tossed over board and swallowed by a great fish. He finally realized that he could not out run or hide from God! He eventually went to Nineveh like God directed him in the first place.

Jonah 1:2-3 Living Bible

2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh, and give them this announcement from the Lord: ‘I am going to destroy you, for your wickedness rises before me; it smells to highest heaven.’”

3 But Jonah was afraid to go and ran away from the Lord. He went down to the seacoast, to the port of Joppa, where he found a ship leaving for Tarshish. He bought a ticket, went on board, and climbed down into the dark hold of the ship to hide there from the Lord.

How many times have we been asked to pray for people in public. Most people I know that would be far outside their comfort zone. They would run away from the task. Or to speak at an event or even in church. They run away from that as well. Thinking that they're not ready or educated enough to do what God is asking of them. God wants to get us out of our "comfort" zone. 

Just like God used a number of events to bring Jonah back in line, He will do the same to us. No matter how much we kick or scream, saying "no, no, no."  God still wants to use us. All of our answers should be "yes & amen." The old saying goes "He doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called!"

Psalm 139:7-10 New Living Translation

7 I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence!8 If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there. 9 If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, 10 even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.

So I encourage you today. To not run away from what God is calling you too. It doesn't work out for you. I encourage you to embrace what He is calling you too. He will strengthen you, lift you up and give you the ability to do it, even when your flesh says "NO."

God bless!

Friday, February 4, 2022

Access Granted.


My wife and I took our first cruise together last week. Before we left on vacation, the cruise line sent us this medallion to wear while onboard the ship. We had to wear it everywhere! By wearing this, it gave us access to some of the things that were available on the ship. We went out for dinner, showed the medallion to get our food. Sitting out on one of the decks, show it to a server and get a soft drink. Walk down the hallway to our room and when we got close, the door would unlock for us.

We had to show it when we got off the ship to do an excursion. Had to show it to get back on the ship from excursion. When they scanned it, a picture of each person would pop up to prove that we were who we said we were. So needless to say. This medallion, although small, was very important.

All this access to the boat and many things on it got me to thinking about our access to God. How do we access Him? 

John 14:6 Amplified Bible

6 Jesus said to him, “[a]I am the [only] Way [to God] and the [real] Truth and the [real] Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

This shows that Jesus is THE only way to the Father. Not good works or good deeds. Despite what the Sammy Hagar song says, you can't buy your way into Heaven. It is only by The Son, Jesus! You have to accept Jesus as your savior before you can gain access to The Father. If you don't know Him, you will not know The Father.

1 John 2:23 Living Bible

23 For a person who doesn’t believe in Christ, God’s Son, can’t have God the Father either. But he who has Christ, God’s Son, has God the Father also.

Good news is that you don't have to wait to get to Heaven to know The Father. We can know Him today and receive from Him. How do we do that you may be asking. Well, here are a few things to do.

We as believers are to yield to The Father. Love His Word, pray and then obey. 

I pray that you start a relationship with Jesus today, to gain access to The Father, Son & Holy Spirit.