Friday, August 28, 2020

August 28th.

What is the importance of August 28th you may be asking yourself. Well, to most people probably nothing, but to me and my family it is my mom's birthday. She would have been 77 this year. She passed away last December, a little more than 3 months after her 76th birthday.

This year is her first birthday without her being here, and it is hard. Hard not to pick up the phone to call and wish her a happy birthday. Hard not to go and visit her, hug her and give her a kiss. Let's just face it. The last almost 9 months since she passed have been hard. Still can't believe she is gone.

But, I have my LORD & Savior to lean on during difficult times thinking about her.

Monday, August 24, 2020

A Game, A Broadcaster and a Homophobic Remark.

By now, probably most people have heard of what a broadcaster for the Cincinnati Reds baseball team said live on air. He made an anti gay remark after coming back from a commercial break and didn't realize that his microphone was live. He was promptly removed from the broadcast booth and subsequently suspended by the Reds. This broadcaster also calls games for the NFL for Fox Sports. He has since been removed from their broadcasting lineup for this year.

I understand the backlash against this guy. What he said was definitely inappropriate and wrong, but let's remember, he is not perfect. In fact, none of us are. There isn't a person who walks this earth that is perfect in everything that they do. No matter what it is. Speech, actions, lifestyle, etc. etc. We all fall short.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Water Bottle!

The water bottle pictured was a gift from a woman as a thank you for serving her and her family every week. She comes through a food distribution site once a week to get groceries for her family. We have team of 5 people that serve her (and many others) every week. I am humbled and honored to be a part of this team. I am trying to show Jesus to her and her family.

Now back to the gift. The water bottle. To you it may seem like a simple water bottle, but to me it means so much more. You see, our friend thought enough to seek out our names. Not only did she learn my name, she even spelled it correctly. Then on top of that, she even did it in my favorite color. How she knew, I do not know. Let's not forget that she only comes in once a week and we see her for maybe about 5-10  minutes. 
So you see, it's more than just a water bottle. It is a gift of appreciation for taking the time to be kind, love on someone and their family. To let them know that someone cares about them. Talk with her, have some fun with her kids.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

The National Anthem. Stand? Kneel?

To stand or kneel for our national anthem seems to be the hot button topic for both the NBA and MLB  (I'm not sure about the NHL). With the death of George Floyd on May 25th, a lot of the players from these professional teams have decided to kneel during the national anthem at the start of a game. They are kneeling to protest police brutality and the social injustice that has been happening to people of color. What I don't understand is, why? Why the national anthem? The anthem isn't just for police departments and it's officers. It's for every American. It's for the American Flag whom so many have fought for and died for, so these people could even play a sport. So to me, by taking a knee during the anthem is disrespecting the flag, our country and the men and women who have bravely fought for it.

 Of course the NFL has already had kneeling going on for a few years now. Tim Tebow started it with kneeling to honor and thank God, for something good that had happened during the game. Then Colin Kapernick started kneeling to protest police brutality and social injustices towards African Americans.

In my personal opinion, both of these players were run out of the league because they both took a stance and kneeled for something that they believed in. Tebow for his belief in God and Kapernick for his belief of injustices against African Americans.

 So opening day of baseball, there was a game between the  L.A. Dodgers and the San Francisco Giants. Both teams knelt during the national anthem. Except for one player. Pitcher Sam Coonrod. The reason that Sam did not kneel is because he is a Christian. He feels the only time to bow or kneel is before God.

 Joshua 23:16 Amplified Bible
16 When you transgress (violate) the covenant of the Lord your God, which He commanded you [to follow], and you go and serve other gods and bow down to them, then the anger of the Lord will be kindled against you, and you shall perish quickly from the good land which He has given you.”

 This whole scenario reminds me of the story in the book of Daniel. Daniel and two of his friends were told to bow down to a golden statue that the king had made of himself. They refused to do that and that made the king very angry. You can read the entire story in Daniel, chapter 3.

 Daniel 3:16-18 New Living Translation
16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. 18 But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.”

 So Sam did not kneel during the anthem, because that meant that he would be kneeling for something other than God. He made a bold statement about his faith and belief in God that day. May we all be so bold.

 Matthew 10:33 The Message
32-33 “Stand up for me against world opinion and I’ll stand up for you before my Father in heaven. If you turn tail and run, do you think I’ll cover for you?

 There might not have been a fiery furnace that Sam was going to get thrown into for not kneeling during the anthem, but there is the court of public opinion. And you can get roasted pretty good there. If I remember correctly, he took some heat for his stance (literally) during the anthem.

 I don't know where y'all stand on this issue, but for me I am going to stand for the flag! I'm going to stand for the anthem! I'm going to kneel at the feet of Jesus!