Thursday, July 28, 2011

God's Timing!

God's timing is incredible. Everything happens in His time, not ours. I want to share a story with you that happened earlier this week.

The church I attend has a member that hasn't been there in a few years. I have never met this person, but have heard her name a few times, for as a congregation we still pray for her.

The other day at the hospital, a woman came to check in and I overheard her name as she was saying it to the receptionist. It was the woman's name from church for whom we continue to pray.

I started pushing her wheel chair towards the elevator, praying that God would give me the boldness to ask her if she was the same woman. He did! I asked her and she said yes, that was her name. I asked her if she attended the same church.  She said that she had, but had not been there for a very long time. I asked her about our pastor, and again she said yes, he was the same one!

I told her that our church was continueing to pray for her. That she had not been forgotten about. That we still cared about her and what happens to her. She thanked me and told me that she was going to call our pastor and let him know about meeting me.

That night at our service the pastor came up to me and told me that she had called. He told me that she became emotional when she mentioned meeting me, because I was a complete stranger to her, but yet I told her that our church still cared about her and prayed for her.

So I praised GOD for having us cross paths that day. I praise Him for giving me the boldness to ask the question and then giving me the words to speak! To me it was no big deal, but to her, it was wonderful!

So God's timing is amazing. He had me at the right place at the right time that day! That is one of my prayers when working at the hospital; to be able to talk about God and Jesus to everyone! I am working on it. I still have a long way to go, but I am getting there. All the glory to GOD!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I would love nothing more than to say that I have lived my life with no regrets. Unfortunately that is not true. Even as a believer, I have still had some regrets! I am not going to go through all of them. I do not have enough space or time for that. But I will tell you a few that are still with me today!

One day back in high school, our girls basketball team made it to the second round of the state playoffs. My Grandpa and I made plans to head out and see them play. Then one of my friends called with a *better* plan. Or at least I thought so at that time. So I made an excuse not to go with my Grandpa. I have regretted that decision ever since! When he passed away a couple of years later, it really hit me. I could have spent some quality time with him, but I went with a friend instead!

My ex-wife and I divorced when my daughter was just five years old. I was very angry at the situation and I took a lot of it out on my daughter. Her mom would do something to make me mad, and I would punish my daughter for it. No matter what it was, she would be the one to suffer. Finally I had enough, and I prayed to GOD that I would stop this behavior towards her. It was slow in coming, but it happened. I kept asking her to forgive me and you know what? She did! I felt so relieved. If she can forgive me for the way I acted towards her, then I know that GOD can forgive me for what I have done towards Him! Praise GOD!!

I rededicaed my life to the Lord in 2007. I felt like I was way behind on everything Christian. I felt like I didn't know how to pray correctly. I didn't feel like I understood the Bible correctly. I was having issues! One morning at church, our youth pastor was going to be speaking that day. We were going to be doing communion after the service and he asked me if I would pray over one of the elements. I told him no! I didn't feel like I was ready enough to do that. That decision has bothered me to this day! I could not believe that I told him no. How is that being obidient to GOD? So I have regretted that as well, and still do!

It has taken a couple of years, but I have been given a second chance at praying over one of the elements of communion. I wasn't asked before hand. My name was called out and guess what? I stood up and just started praying. What a relief! God sure has done a work in me since that day of saying no! I will probably always regret that day, but God has a way of working things out, for His glory! Praise the Lord!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Senior Citizens!

I have to be honest with you. I have been kind of hard on senior citizens during my life. They always drove too slow. Pull out in front of you on the road. Took too long at the checkout at the grocery store, etc, etc!

GOD has been working on me about this! During the last four years, from when I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ, He has been working on me. I have been slowly made aware of my misconception about them. I have come to realize that they are some of the sweetest and most appreciative people there are!

Then GOD did the ultimate thing to me, regarding seniors. I am now volunteering at our local hospital. I work at the front desk as a greeter. People that come in, I help direct them, or show them to their destination. My main portion of the job is to take the seniors up to the cardiac re-hab facility. I push them in wheel chairs. I help them with their walkers, their oxygen tanks, whatever they need help with. This is my absolute favorite part of the job. I love these people that go up to re-hab. The most thankful, most appreciative, kind and funny people. They are like a close knit family up there. I love being apart of it. I love being able to help them out. I love being there for them. I thank GOD for these seniors everyday! Praise GOD for this position at the hospital!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Soaking Up!

My wife made an interesting comment to me tonight. She told me that I was becoming quite the reader lately. That is a true statement. I have been reading a lot of books lately. That got me to thinking about that.

When I was younger, I was an avid reader. I could read a book from cover to cover in one sitting. As I got older, and started driving and working, my reading of books waned, dare I say it even stopped completely. Oh I would read the newspaper everyday, but that was the extent of my reading.

When I started my ISOM (Illinois School of Ministry) classes in January, I had to read a text book and take tests from the pages that I had read. I started soaking that information up. I realized that if I am going to be a pastor, I want to be one of the most informed. So I started picking up other materials to read. Other Christian books, to help along my journey towards being a pastor.

I'm not talking like other educational books. I mean like Christain authors like Corrie Ten Boom, Toby Mac, and even Albert Pujols! I have been reading these books to see how great God has been in their lives. It gives me encouragement to see what God has done for them. The struggles that He has pulled them out of. The bad situations, the horror of certain situations. God was there amongst it all!

I read my Bible everyday! I get up early in the morning to do so. My day just isn't right, if I don't start it that way! Besides the Bible, I am reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan, and the Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I want to be well rounded with good Christian influences, when I start my ministry!

Of course I am going to rely on God to give me the word, to deliver to the people. I would just like to have some other information to fall back on. Other stories to tell about how great God is!

I praise You Lord, for these Christian authors and the work that they are putting out! GOD Bless!!