Wednesday, December 30, 2015

God's Preperation.

Don't you love it when God does something in your life and you have no idea why until something happens and you were like "oh, God was preparing me for that, and I didn't even know it." For example. On Christmas Eve I had planned on relaxing and getting prepped for my sermon at church. I was planning on going out to run a couple of errands and grab some lunch. I went to put on my shoes and.......instead of putting on my slip on shoes, I put on my gym shoes. I thought to myself, "this is weird. I have no idea why I did that." Definitely not normal for me. I never put those shoes on unless I am going to be on my feet for a very long time, or working out. Both which I hadn't planned on doing that day. It was supposed to be a quick run out and back. Well God had other plans for me that afternoon. We have swing doors on our fence, kind of like barn doors that swing open to get access to our back yard. The wind storm that blew in the night before, broke the board that we had holding the gate closed. So the doors where standing wide open. Without my knowledge. I proceeded to let our dog out before going to do my errands. When she didn't come back in right away, I stepped out onto our back deck and saw that the gate was wide open. You guessed it, the dog was gone. Panic settled in as what I should do. I got in the van and drove around looking for her. No luck. Then I set out on foot. For over an hour. I came to realize that after everything was over and our dog was home safe, that God prepared me for all the walking I was going to do looking for the dog, by having me put on my gym shoes. So all I could do was to thank God for bringing the dog home safe (answered prayer) and give Him praise for having me put on the correct shoes for what I was about to do. Thank You Jesus!!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

John 10:10

Ha ha Satan. I have my ministry credentials for 2016. You tried to dissuade me several times since last year's renewal. You tried to make me give up or quit the ministry. You kept knocking me down by saying that God doesn't have a use for me. He doesn't have a job for me anywhere. My credentials are just going to waste. Several times I almost listened to you. I was on the verge or edge of just giving in and saying you win. I'm sure glad that I listened to that still small voice of God. He told me that He still has a use for me. He still values me as a minister of His word. He is not finished with me yet, and for that I am thankful. You Satan, tried to steal my joy, kill my enthusiasm and destroy me and my ministry. Jesus on the other hand came to give me life, abundant life! You will not beat me devil. I have God on my side. If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Toe Nails

Interesting title don't you think? Kind of gross to some people. But it's what got me thinking about this post. I was trimming my toe nails the other night and I started thinking, this is kind of cool. You trim your nails and in time they grow back again. Then you do the whole process over again. I started thinking about how we grow in The Lord. We start out as a baby Christian when we first believe, and then grow in our faith as we mature. Then God proceeds to prune us so we can grow some more. Isn't that how it is supposed to be. We are never supposed to stop growing in our faith. God will trim us, knock things off of us, chip away at us, so that we will continue to mature. It says in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 3:2New Living Translation (NLT) 2 I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you weren’t ready for anything stronger. And you still aren’t ready. God doesn't want us to survive on milk alone. He doesn't want us to continue to be an immature Christian. He wants to nourish us with His word so that we continue to grow to be able to move onto more solid food. So He continues to prune, trim, remove things from our lives that we depend on, so that we depend solely on Him. So that we grow into spiritual maturity. The things I think about while cutting my nails. To God be the Glory!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Joshua 24:15

About a month ago, we had a volunteer appreciation day at our church. All the people who volunteered in some kind of ministry were called up to the front of the congregation and handed a certificate stating what ministry you volunteered. What was really cool about that was, my daughter, my wife and myself were all up there getting recognized. I thought to myself, "how cool is this, that all three of us are up here for serving the church." Fast forward to this past weekend when the company that I work for hosted a Feed My Starving Children mobile pack event. The event ran from Thursday afternoon till Sunday evening. My family and I packed together on Saturday night. My daughter scooped the first two ingredients into the bag, I dumped the other two. My wife was holding the bag and then weighing them. My daughter and I stood right next to each other and my wife was to my left. All three of us were in close proximity together and it was awesome. Towards the end of the shift it hit me. Between us serving at the church as a family and now packing food as a family, we were really being the definition of Joshua 24:15. Our house will serve The Lord, and that is exactly what we were doing. Oh how I thank You God for giving us a servants heart. Now matter what. To God be the Glory!!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Future Path.

Our daughter is a senior in high school this year. She is going to graduate in the summer. Her plan is to go to college next fall. God has already provided a college for her to go to. What we don't know is, what's going to happen while she is there. Sure she has a plan for her degree, but what is God's plan going to be? We all want her to be successful while she is there, but I want her to be successful in God's eyes, not our frail human eyes. His ways are much better than ours. My wife and I are not pushing her to any one direction. Nor is anyone else telling her that she needs to be a doctor, lawyer, nurse, whatever. We want what God has for her. We want her to be in God's perfect will. No matter what that might be. We will support her in whatever field she goes into. Whatever happens, all the praise to JESUS!!

God & Mowing The Lawn.

I love to mow our lawn. Nothing better than the mower, you and God. It's one of my alone times with God that He requires of us. How can I be alone with God while mowing the yard you may ask. I have an hour and a half of pushing a mower back and forth while talking with God at the same time. Talk to me He does. He gives me ideas for my blog. He gives me ministry ideas. Parental advice, marriage advice, all kinds of stuff. You maybe wondering how I can still hear His still small voice over the noise of the mower. His voice is much louder than the mower. It may be a small voice, but it can be loud when needed to be. I found that out this year on my way to a festival and blasting my music in the van. I heard His voice loud and clear above all the music, and now mowing. I thank Him for the lawn to mow. The mower, the gas for the mower, the energy and strength. The clothes that I am able to wear. Plus the time to do it. In a few short weeks, I will be switching from mowing with God, to snow blowing with God. Not looking to that one as much. I look forward to spending time with God, just not looking forward to the cold and snow. One thing I know for sure is, I thank God for it all.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

What Would You Have Done?

I was asked a question earlier this week by a truck driver that made me stop and really think about what he asked. We were talking about the campus shooting in Oregon and he asked me "what would you have done?" He knows that I am a pastor. In fact he has a nickname for me. He calls me Rev. whenever he comes in. So he kind of knew what my answer would be. I told him of course I would admit that I am a Christian. Then I thought, would I? Having a gun pointed at you, knowing that you are going to die for admitting your faith. I have never had a weapon pointed at me before, so I really can't say for sure what I would do. I believe that I would say yes to being a Christian. It says in the Bible in Matthew 10:33 New King James Version (NKJV)33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. The Apostle Peter also denied Jesus. Not once or twice, but three times when confronted with knowing him. I don't want to be that guy. I want to acknowledge my Savior and King. I want Him to know that I am His and He is mine! No matter what I come up against. No matter what kind of persecution that I may face, it will and has always been Jesus. So my question/challenge to you is.......What Would You Have Done? Think about it.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Dirty Glasses.

I was at work one day and I removed my glasses to scratch my eye. I happened to hold my glasses up so I could see them in the bright lights of the warehouse. I could not believe how dirty they were. Scratches, smears, fingerprints, dust, etc. etc. I must have gotten used to looking through the dirt and smudges to notice anymore. Anyway, the dirty glasses got me to thinking about how dirty and sin stained my life had been prior to Jesus. The things that I had done, the mud and the muck that I was mired in. The sinful nature that I couldn't pull myself out of with my own strength. Little did I know, that I would need Jesus and the strength that He provides to pull me up and out. He pulled me out of my downward spiral and set me upon Him, The Rock. (Psalm 40:2) I thank God everyday that He doesn't look at me like a pair of dirty eye glasses. He see's me clean and spotless. He see's me as His child. He has no recollection of prior sins. "Hey God, remember when I did this?" "No son, no I don't." I am thankful that I am a new creation in Christ. My old life is gone, I am now a new person. (2 Corinthians 5:17). So, just as I use a cloth and some spray to remove any dirt and smudges from my glasses to get them clean. Jesus took my sins upon Him and made me clean. (Psalm 51:2). When I first became a Christian, I thought that all of my past sins had stained me forever. Then I heard/read this verse. Isaiah 1:18. Hallelujah!!! It has been a process for me. To realize that I am forgiven by me Heavenly father. I am redeemed. Thank You Jesus. For everything that you have done for me and continue to do for me. To think. All of this from looking through a pair of dirty glasses. I love when God does that!!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Wedding = Reflection.

My cousin was married this past weekend. As a standard practice for me at weddings, I started to reflect back on my life. As the bridal party were walking down the aisle to take their places,followed by the bride, my mind started wandering. On things that I have done well. Things that I haven't done so well. My life choices. Things that I have done, things that maybe I shouldn't have done. People that have come in and out of my life. Relatives and friends that have passed on since that last wedding that I attended. These are my standard wedding thoughts. But this wedding was different. It hit me harder. The things from my past. I don't know if it's because I am getting older or what, but wow, the flood of emotions. Looking at the beaming groom waiting for the beaming bride to make her way down the aisle to him. I looked at me wife and remembered that same moment at our wedding. Getting to be introduced as Mr. and Mrs. as you come back up the aisle together. The bringing together of families. Grandma's and Grandpa's. Aunts, Uncles, cousins, brothers and sisters. To see the love shone to one another. The hugs, handshakes and pat's on the back. That is the one thing that I love about weddings. There is only an air of love and kindness. No hatred, no ill will toward anyone. If only we could have this all year long, instead of just at a wedding. As the night where's on, I reflect back on everything that God has done for me and my family. We are a close knit family. Aunts and Uncles are more like second moms and dads. Cousins are like brothers and sisters. For this I am grateful! I love my family and the closeness we enjoy. So I reflect back on what God has done, and ponder ahead of what God is going to do next. I am sure of one thing. It is going to be awesome!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Pointing Fingers

To all of my family and friends who live the LGBT lifestyle. Just because I am a Christian, I do not hate you! We as Christians are not called to hate, but to love. So if a person is claiming Christianity and say that they hate you, they are not being Christian at all. Just let me say that I will not run away from you if I see you out in public. I will not run and hide if I see you in a store. I will most likely greet you warmly with a hug, a handshake or maybe even both. I will not point my finger at you to condemn you. The only pointing that I should be doing is this...pointing to Jesus. I'll let Him take it from there. For many of you, I have known about your lifestyle long before I became a Christian; before I became a pastor. I loved you then, I love you now! So if anyone is pointing a finger at you trying to convict you or condemn you, that's not Jesus. Jesus always responded with love. If we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, how then, can we react any differently. We are to show the love of Christ to everyone.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


I'm tired. Tired of what you may ask. I'm tired of being labeled a hater, a hypocrite and a bigot. Tired of being accused of being hard hearted and closed minded all because I am Christian. Yes, I believe in Jesus, and I believe that the Bible is 100% accurate and without error. Just because we have differing opinions and beliefs doesn't mean that I hate you, or won't accept you. How many times have you ever seen me spout hatred or tear someone down because of their lifestyle? I am not the judge, I leave that up to God. My job is to point people to Jesus. Not to block the way. I have several family members and friends who live an alternate lifestyle. I do not treat them any differently than I do anyone else. I love them all the same. As a Christian pastor, I will not water down the Gospel when I preach. I will not change it or alter it to not offend someone. The Bible is God's word. A book on how we are supposed to live our lives. We can't pick and choose what we believe and what we don't believe. We either believe all of it, or none of it! I will never be ashamed to speak the name of Jesus. So, I am tired of being tired. We as Christians need to stand up for Jesus. Proclaim His name louder than before. We need to stop worrying and let God do His thing. All the praise and glory to God!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Get to Versus Have to.

I have been hearing a lot of people grumbling/complaining at work and other places of things that they have to do. They have to mow the lawn, do laundry, pay bills, go to work, etc, etc. I say, have to! I thank God that I get to do all of that and more. Having a lawn to mow means that God has provided a house for us to live in. Doing laundry means clothes have been provided. Paying bills means that I have the money that God has provided for me. Going to work to a job that God once again has provided for me. God's provision is amazing. We never go without. He supplies our needs. Not going to lie. We have been to the point of how are we ever going to be able to afford this. God always supplies a way. We look back and say "wow, that was God." There is no other explanation. One last thing. Every morning I wake up and I get to read my Bible instead of feeling like I have too. I get to pray and commune with my God. What a way to start my day. Getting to be in touch with my Savior first thing in morning! For that I give thanks and praise! Thank You Lord for loving me so much that I am able to do all of these things. For You!

Thursday, August 13, 2015


2004 Dodge Grand Caravan. 166,000 miles. Doesn't sound like much does it? Well, let me tell you what a Godsend this vehicle has been to our family. We had three drivers in our household with only two cars. My daughter and I were sharing a car during the school year. It wasn't perfect but it was working. We had our eyes and ears open to anything that might become available to us. We had something specific in mind, just looking for the right deal to come along. Well. We found it. I was going to a visitation for a friend the Friday before Memorial day, when I passed by "The Van." I was thinking to myself, that looked really nice. My wife and I attended the funeral on Saturday and we drove by "The Van" once again. She was intrigued as well. So, on our way home, we stopped and looked at it. Got the phone number off of the for sale sign and made the "call." We arranged to test drive it on Memorial day. A good friend of ours went with us to be an extra set of eyes and ears. Test drive went very well and we made on offer on "The Van." They accepted and the Thursday after Memorial Day we became the new owners. It's been two and half months since we bought "The Van" and let me tell you where we have been with it. We have been on a camping trip to Iowa with it. Loaded down with camping gear, and family. The van handled awesome. We have been on a nine hour drive out to Yankton, SD to a cousins wedding, and you guessed it. The van ran just fine. Most recently we drove to Orlando, FL. We put over 2,600 miles on "The Van" and everything went smoothly. The only thing that went wrong on the trip were the bugs that splattered against the windshield and front of "The Van." So since we have bought the van, we have gone on two long trips and one camping weekend and the van was everything that we had hoped for and more. The only repairs we have had to make to it were a new battery and a drainage problem with the air conditioner. I praise and thank God for providing us a vehicle that is reliable, functional, comfortable and in our price range. Thank You Jesus!!

Friday, July 24, 2015

GOD, And My Drive To The Fair.

Last week I volunteered at the Stephenson County fair. I was helping out some friends in their church booth. I was scheduled from 6 - 10 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday night I left a little after 10. I had an hour and fifteen minute drive home. I got home a little before eleven thirty. By the time that I got settled in and ready for bed, it was midnight. Did I mention that I had to be to work at six the next morning. So I only had four hours of sleep before heading out to the fair Thursday night. So as I was driving along jamming to my REO Speedwagon, with the volume turned up to Keven's satisfaction, I heard a voice. Just as plain as if I were talking with someone riding along with me. The voice said "how about listening to some Jeremy Camp?" The crazy thing is, I was just thinking about how bored I was getting with the cd's I had been listening to. So I parked my van and went into the fair. When I left for the night, I switched the cd's around in the van. I took out REO and put in Jeremy Camp. So after four hours of sleep, working nine hours and then driving over an hour to the fair, being there for four hours and then finally heading home you think that I would be extremely tired. I was exhausted let me tell you. So I take off and head for home and I turn up the Jeremy Camp cd that I put in the player. You know what? I never got tired on the way home. Never felt sleepy one bit. God spoke to me about my music choice and wanted me to choose worship music. He provided safe travels for my ride home. I was thankful for His provision and protection. On my friends churches website, they have a page of what they believe in. One of their beliefs is that God still speaks. Let me tell you. He does. Everyone keeps telling us to listen to the still small voice. And we must. But God still spoke to me in the middle of "Riding the Storm Out" at a very audible voice. All praise and glory to GOD!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Work Stress!

My boss is on vacation this whole week. So that means that I am in charge of our department in his absence. No big deal you say. I beg to differ. Oh, this year is much different than last year let me tell you. Last year when he was gone, everyday I would have little melt downs. Okay, who am I kidding, major meltdowns. I worked with a guy who was one of the most negative people I have ever met. He made that whole week miserable, on top of all ready being stressed about covering for my boss. I would complain, grumble, moan and groan and just not be myself. I was not being a good witness for Christ. The enemy was definitely attacking. I wasn't trusting God to get me through or to give me the strength and knowledge that I needed. It was horrible. This year is much different. The negative nellie is gone. My new co-worker is a lot more positive and encouraging. We get along so much better than with the other guy. Plus this year, for this week, I given it all to God. Each day is His. Taking them one day at a time. I am leaning on Him, looking to Him and trusting Him for everything this week. So, the first two days of this week have been very chaotic and busy. A ten hour day on Monday. Nine and a half hour day Tuesday. But through it all, God has given me such a peace about it all. He has kept my emotions in check. Given me mercy and grace for the people who have needed it. There are people at work who witnessed my blow ups last year, that are waiting for it to happen again. I have news for you. IT WON'T!! I am in a very different place than last year. I have grown and matured in Christ to ever let that happen again. Jesus has given me a peace that passes all understanding. I am still smiling at the end of the day, just like when I began the day. My trust and confidence come through Christ. He gives me all strength. So I am here to tell you. If you are facing a difficult day or week, trust in Jesus to get you through. I do a lot of praying in the midst of it all. Even when I am driving a forklift and loading a truck, I am praying. Lord Jesus, help me!! Guess what? He does!! He never leaves us or forsakes us. Too that I say THANK YOU JESUS!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Mary? Or Martha?

Have you ever been invited to a party or hosted a party where there is always someone working and moving around. They never sit still and enjoy the company that is there. They are always picking things up. Cleaning up. Getting drinks, cups or ice, etc. Always seem to be flitting about. Busy! You want to say to them, "sit down and relax. Enjoy your company while they are here. All that other stuff will still be there long after everyone is gone." It reminds me of the story of Martha and Mary in the Bible. In Luke 10: 38-42 it tells the story of Jesus being invited into Martha's house for dinner. While she was concerned about all the details, her sister Mary just sat at Jesus' feet listening to Him talk. Martha complained to Jesus about this. She told him that is wasn't fair for her to be doing all the work while Mary just sat around in His presence. Jesus pretty much told her to relax and not be so worried about all of the details. He said that Mary had it right and would not be taken from her. To sit in the company of her Savior and soak it all in. I'm sure you have heard the saying "slow down and smell the roses." Well, why not slow down and take time to sit in the presence of your Savior. He is waiting for you. He wants to commune with you. We are so busy with the everyday details of our lives, that sometimes we forget God. He should be the center of our lives, not just in the background. Our society always thinks that we have to be busy doing things. That's not God's way. He wants us to take time for Him. To spend quality time with Him. That is His desire and it should be ours as well. So my question to you today is. Are you going to be a Martha? Or, are you going to be a Mary.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fan? Or Follower?

Last week at work, a driver came in wearing (gasp) a Milwaukee Brewers hat. I gasp because I am a Cardinals fan. I proceeded to ask him if he liked the Brewers. He said that yes he did. I started telling him how the Brewers did us a big favor the day before by beating the Cubs. How much that really helped us out. He looked at me quizzically and stated "oh, I'm just a fan. I don't really follow them." Right then and there God did what He always does. He used that conversation to point something out to me. That there is a difference between being a fan of something or someone or being a follower of something or someone. I started to think, not only am I a fan of the Cardinals, but I am also a follower. I know the roster names and positions, batting order, how many games ahead or behind. The scenario for each game and series. I am invested in the team. If I can't watch them on tv, then I track them on my phone. There are only a few people that I know of that I can talk sports with and are fellow followers. We can talk stats, players and what not. But most of the people I come in contact with, are just fans. Casual observers, very little interest. So that's what God was showing me that day. He wants us to be His followers. Not to just know about Jesus, but to know Him, personally! Jesus wants us to be in the game, engaged and participating, not just sitting on the sidelines cheering. We are to take up our cross and follow Him. To many people are comfortable with just knowing about Jesus. They have heard of Him and all the good things that He has done, and think "wow, that's a good story." They do little to grow closer to Him. To know Him personally. To accept Him as their personal Savior. They go to church on Sunday just for the fire insurance. Then come Monday morning they are right back to doing what they always do. I want to be known as a Christ follower. A heart and life that have been changed because of Jesus' grace and forgiveness. So my question to you is this. Are you a FAN? Or a FOLLOWER? There is a great book out that is titled Not A Fan. I suggest that you get it and read it. It is amazing! God Bless!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Over Size Load.

For the last couple of weeks, I have heard sermons about John the Baptist. Preaching from Matthew 3 about how he was preparing the way for Jesus. So when I hear a message more than once, to me it's confirmation. God is trying to tell me something. Along with this God always gives me an object lesson. Something to physically look at instead of just listening. This time was not any different. We were driving home from my in-laws this past weekend in Eastern Iowa, when God showed me what he was talking about with John the Baptist. We were driving on Route 20, about 30 miles outside of Dubuque, when I saw it. A lead car. You know what I am talking about. The ones with the flashing lights and signs warning of an over sized load following. I didn't recognize it at first, but then I saw the huge truck carrying a huge cement cylinder. Then it hit me. That first vehicle was like the John the Baptist. He was preparing the way for the bigger over sized load behind him. The lead car was like John, and the big semi carrying the cement thing was Jesus. And there it was. God's object lesson for me of what He had been telling me the last couple of weeks. What I got out of all of this was, I (we) need to open our mouths and tell someone about Jesus. People will not know about Him, if we don't talk about Him! We need to be the voice in this modern day wilderness shouting, make way for the LORD. I pray that I am up to the task.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Light In The Closet.

My wife is still asleep when I get ready for work in the mornings. So as not to wake her, I don't turn on the overhead light, but I pull the string for the light in the closet. That light is not very bright, but it's enough to get dressed by and get my boots on. Every morning it's the same thing. Well today I realized something that I had been doing all along. I found myself standing a little over an arms length away and stretching and reaching for the pull string. Most of the time I had to do this multiple times because I just couldn't reach. Then I would get mad and say things like "really", or "seriously". Well this morning I discovered something. If I just took a couple of steps more into the closet, I could reach the pull string without much effort and get a good handle on it and it would come on with the first try. "Genius" I thought!! So this got me thinking about people trying to reach God. Far too many people including some Christians stand at an arms length away and strain to reach God. They are content with this distance from Him. They feel that if they can reach just the hem of His robe, they are okay. If I can move a couple of more steps closer to get a good firm grip on a pull string for the light in my closet, couldn't I do the same for Jesus, the light of the world? Step closer to Him and get a firm grip of His right hand. Then one that He will never let go of. I know I want to press in and get closer to Him. I am not content or satisfied with just being around Him, I want to be close to Him. I want to sit at His feet, pressing in against Him, feel His loving arms wrapped around me, reassuring me, keeping me safe. Who knew that this would all start from pulling a string to turn on a light in a closet!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Where Was God?

This is a question that I get asked quite frequently. Weekly and sometimes daily. Where was God when: 9/11 happened? Where was He during the holocaust? How about all of the school shootings? How come God always seemed to be absent during these situations? These are the questions that I am asked. Even as a pastor, I don't have all the answers, but I can turn to God's word to find them. I like the verses in Isaiah 65: 1-3. Isaiah 65 New Living Translation (NLT) Judgment and Final Salvation 65 The Lord says, “I was ready to respond, but no one asked for help. I was ready to be found, but no one was looking for me. I said, ‘Here I am, here I am!’ to a nation that did not call on my name.[a] 2 All day long I opened my arms to a rebellious people.[b] But they follow their own evil paths and their own crooked schemes. 3 All day long they insult me to my face by worshiping idols in their sacred gardens. They burn incense on pagan altars. We as a nation can not take Him for granted. It says right there in His word that He was ready to respond but nobody asked. We don't call on Him anymore. We have an attitude that we can do it on our own. Wrong answer! We are a rebellious, evil nation.We are headed for self destruction. We insult God to His face, and then wonder why He doesn't protect us when tragedy strikes. We took God out of our schools and look what is happening.We are trying to remove him from everything. From placing your hand on the Bible in court, to trying to take His name off of our money. We are even trying to remove His name from Christmas and start saying "happy holiday's". He is there for us. All of us. He loves us. All we have to do is seek Him.He is standing there with His arms open saying "here I am, come to me." I don't know about you, but I can't do this thing called life on my own. I need and depend on JESUS. He is my rock, my stength and comfort. He is my healer and my deliverer. All praise and glory to God!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Church Clothes.

I had a conversation with a friend of mine on Saturday. She was telling me that she wanted to go to church on Sunday, but didn't have any "church clothes." I was like "what do you mean?" She said something about having to dress up to go to church. I told her that what she was wearing at that moment would be alright. She didn't believe me at first, but I told her that I myself wear jeans to church. She said ok and that she would see me in the morning. That got me to thinking. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that you have to dress up or clean up to come to Jesus. He wants us to come as we are. Matthew 11:28New Living Translation (NLT) 28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." It doesn't say go home and put on a suit or a dress. It doesn't say go home and shower first, put on some deodorant and then come to me. Jesus says just "come!" I preached a sermon on fathers day this past year and I wore jeans and a nice button down shirt. I had several family members in attendance and they questioned my attire. I told them that this is how we roll here at this church. I asked afterword if it would have made a difference in the message if I were to be dressed up. They said no, but it might not have been as believable. I have had family members get kicked out of church for the clothes that they were wearing. Weren't dressed in their Sunday best. I could not believe it. The church was willing to turn someone away because of what kind of clothes they were wearing. How is that being a Christian? We are not supposed to judge others. That is God's job. It says in James, James 4:12New Living Translation (NLT) 12 God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to judge your neighbor? We are supposed to accept everyone, no matter how they are dressed. Remember God shows no favoritism. All are His children no matter what they are wearing. So don't let the lack of "church clothes" keep you from going to church. God will accept you no matter what. Praise The LORD!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Teary Eyed Work Day!

If you know me well, you know that I am an sensative person. I can cry at the drop of a hat. It all started when my Grandmother passed away. In 1989. Ever since then, any kind of personal event, I cry, weep, sob, waterworks, whatever you want to call it. Weddings, birthdays, funerals, songs on the radio, Hallmark commercials, doesn't matter. Any kind of life change event happy or sad. So occasionally at work I can get teary eyed thinking about things that have happened in the past. Could be a really long time ago, or just a few months. So today was one of those days for me. I found out that a co-workers sister had passed away that morning. That started the ball rolling on my emotions. I started to think about my Grandparents on my Moms side who both passed in 1989. Then from there I went to my Dad who passed in 2011. The final straw was thinking about my dear friend, Pastor Mike who passed a little over three months ago.I was by myself in our cooler at work, pulling orders to load onto a truck. Tears started to flow. I am like "get it together man." Being at work wasn't cool to be crying. Couldn't let anyone see me like this. That is what I was thinking. I started thinking about who had passed and what they meant to me, and what I missed about them. I miss seeing my Grandparents and visiting with them. I miss talking with my Dad about Cardinals baseball and watching old western movies together. I miss my conversations with Pastor Mike. I miss talking sports with him. I miss asking him questions about the Bible and ministry in general. I miss his advice to me and the wisdom he poured into me. I miss hearing his stories. I just plain miss him! I know that I will get to see them all again when I get to heaven, but that doesn't make it any easier now. I loved all of these people immensely. I love Jesus even more, and He comforts and consoles me in these times. I am most thankful!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Fresh Snow Cover

On Saturday, before the big snow storm hit, I was looking out our kitchen window at the snow that was still on the ground. I noticed how dirty and dingy it looked. Instead of just being white, it had a gray and white look to it. Just filthy looking. As the night wore on and it started to snow, the dirty dingy snow was being covered up by a blanket of new snow. It reminded me of Jesus' covering of our sins. Our sin stained lives are dirty,dingy and filthy. Until Jesus came and covered them with His blood and made our sins as white as snow! Like it says in Isaiah; Isaiah 1:18 New Living Translation (NLT) 18 “Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool. The more the snow fell, the more that I thought about our sins being buried forever because of Jesus. Although the snow will eventually melt away, His blood will never wash away. It will cover us forever! Praise The LORD!