Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Everyday after work, I go for a 2ish mile walk. I walk around our neighborhood, listening to my Ipod and looking around at the scenery. This time of year is really beautiful with the changing colors of the leaves. Today I came across a tree that was still half green and half orange/redish. I looked at it and thought, "man this tree doesn't know what it wants to do. Stay green, or change colors like the rest." It was like it wasn't sure if it wanted to stay in summer mode, or change into fall mode. It made think about what Jesus said about being lukewarm. Revelation 3:15-16 Living Bible (TLB) 15 “I know you well—you are neither hot nor cold; I wish you were one or the other! 16 But since you are merely lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth!" Jesus wants us to be all in, or all out, but not somewhere in the middle. Kind of like some people. They call on The Lord all the time, for everything (HOT). Then you have people who don't call on The Lord at all, thinking that they can do everything themselves (COLD). Then there are the people who bounce back and forth between calling on The Lord only when they need Him, and then leaving Him out of their lives when they think that they don't (LUKEWARM). There are people who come to church occasionally for a few weeks in row, then you don't see them for months at a time. I call those people lukewarm. They're in and then they are out, and then the cycle continues. Jesus wants us to be either hot or cold. He will spit these people out because they are lukewarm. It's almost as if they can not decide if they want to be fully committed to God or not. Kind of like this tree. Half of it looked like it wanted to stay in summer mode, while the other half was getting ready for fall. Can't have it both ways. Same goes for us.