Sunday, April 24, 2016


I was talking to a pastor friend of mine over the weekend about the upcoming Blackhawks game six of the playoffs. He was telling me that I have to watch because it was going to be epic. I didn't disagree with him, I just really didn't care that much about it. Don't get me wrong. I still care if they do well or not. It's just not a priority for me anymore. You see, God revealed to me several years ago, that watching sports on tv. had become an idol in my life. Of course I didn't realize it at first because I didn't understand what an idol was. What is an idol you ask? Something that you put first in your life over everything else. That was before becoming a Christian. Once I became a Christian, I learned that an idol was something that you put before God. That described me perfectly. I was 100% sports all the time. I would schedule any event around watching my favorite baseball, football, or hockey team play on tv. I would put family on hold. Not go to anything until the game was over. I even put my first marriage ceremony on hold until after a NFL playoff game was finished. We got married on a Sunday in January. The game was at noon, I made us wait until 7:30, just to make sure. I was a fanatic. Then things started to fall apart. I felt like I was distancing myself from my family, especially my daughter. God was knocking on the door of my heart, and I didn't even realize it at the time. So after I was divorced, I started realizing that I was spending to much time in front of the television and not enough time with my family. So I started cutting back (very little). I was still glued to the important games. Then one summer I accepted Jesus, and the rest just didn't matter as much anymore. I found myself not planning on watching game seven of a crucial series with my favorite team. Instead, going out to a movie and dinner with my wife and daughter. Wow, what a change. This kept happening more and more frequently year after year. My wife kept asking me if was sure that I didn't want to stay home and watch the game, I told her no, I was right where I wanted to be. With her and our daughter. As this was happening, I kept hearing the voice of God saying "I'm tearing down that idol that used to rule your life." "You will still care and keep track of teams and games, but that will be secondary to spending time with Me." So over the weekend was a very crucial game for the Blackhawks. They were facing elimination from the playoffs, and I was content sitting together with my wife watching a movie and eating popcorn. So I thank You Lord, for tearing down and removing that idol from my life.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Not Very Compassionate.

I have been mulling over posting this for almost two weeks now. I wasn't sure I should write it or even share it. But it seemed like God kept telling me to do so. So here it is. It might get a little wordy and for that I am sorry. I am going to try and give you the Readers Digest version as best as I can. There is person at our church who needs a ride to and from church every Sunday and Wednesday evenings. I have been among the few people that have picked her up and dropped her off. A little back story for you. My daughter and I volunteer in kids church once a month. So that means that we have to be there a little earlier than usual to get the lesson ready and get prepared for the kids. Two weeks ago was our Sunday in kids church. While reading my Bible and praying first thing in the morning, I get a text from a friend, requesting that this woman be picked up because the ride that she has on Sunday mornings were not going to be there due to being sick. To be open and transparent with you, I about lost it. I told my friend that we had to be at church earlier than usual, so I didn't think that we could do it. My friend just asked that we try. I told her that we would at least do that. So for the next hour or so, I stewed and stewed over the request to pick her up. The enemy kept poking me and getting me angrier and angrier. I told me daughter what was asked of us and she asked me what I planned on doing. I told her that this was our Sunday to be in kids church and I was committed to doing that. I didn't really care if this lady got picked up or not. Then my daughter started making sense about it all. "You know dad, Jesus doesn't tell us to worry about programs and stuff. He tells us to take care of each other. So if that means picking up this woman for church, then that's what we should do." I begrudgingly got in our van and started headed to her apartment, still steaming and fuming about this. About halfway there God spoke to me. He said "remember Matthew 25." Matthew 25:35-40New Living Translation (NLT)35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ 37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,[a] you were doing it to me!' I was like "ok Lord, I get it." So between my daughter chirping in my right ear and God speaking to me in my left ear, I was put at ease. That we were doing the right thing. So to pick this woman up, we have to pass by the church. So my daughter and I turn at the corner and go down about a quarter of a mile, when we pass a car heading towards the church. I paid no attention to it at all, but my daughter did. She said "dad, I believe that woman that we are supposed to pick up was in that car." I didn't believe her at first, but she insisted it was her. So we turned around and went back to church. Sure enough there she was, getting out of the car and going through the door. Then God said to me "I was testing to see if you were going to be obedient or not. You were so I did not make you go all the way to her apartment to get her." "You only had to start down the road before I had you turn around." I started praising Him and thanking Him. Needless to say, I was humbled that morning.