Saturday, October 22, 2022

Clamoring For Your Attention.

 One day at work last week, I did some reflecting of how many noises and sounds we have at work. All clamoring for our attention. Our forklifts have back up beepers. Might want to pay attention to that sound if you are near one and don't want to get hurt. All of our forklifts have a different sounding horns, so you can tell which one is approaching. Might want to pay attention to that sound as well. Very important. You don't want to get run over, crushed or just plain injured because you ignored the forklift warning sounds.

We have rollup doors leading to our production rooms. They sound alarm when they are about to start coming down. Need to pay attention to that sound if you are about to walk underneath said door. Don't want to get conked on the head and get knocked out, or even worse.

We have buzzers at both of our receiving docks that drivers use to check in to make a delivery or pickup. Have to pay attention to those buzzers. Drivers get a little upset if they have to wait for a few minutes before someone answers the door.

So we have all these sounds going on at work. All clamoring for your attention. All very important to listen to and for, depending on what you are doing at the moment.

This all got me to thinking about Jesus and how many worldly voices try to distract us from Him. Bosses, spouses, teachers, children, etc. etc. But we need to discern what is actually from God and what is not.

1 John 4:1 The Message

4 My dear friends, don’t believe everything you hear. Carefully weigh and examine what people tell you. Not everyone who talks about God comes from God. There are a lot of lying preachers loose in the world.

Yes, all those other voices are important to listen to (especially your spouse), but if they contradict what God is saying, then you shouldn't pay any attention to those voices. 

Kind of like Adam and Eve in the garden. When they listened to the serpents voice instead of Gods. By listening to the serpent it caused the fall of man. Sin entered the world.

Psalm 95:7 New Living Translation

7 for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the flock under his care. If only you would listen to his voice today!

I encourage you today to be careful of what voices you listen to. Many will try to lead you astray, but God never will.

God bless.


Saturday, October 15, 2022

Serve One Another. Love One Another.

 What do you think of when you hear the word "serve?" Some people serve their community. Some serve in their church. Brave men and women serve our country! Do you know it is possible to serve your coworkers as well? How you may ask? By helping them when they need it. If they have fallen behind or are struggling to do a task. I "serve" them by helping out. The word serve to me means that it's not about me. It's about helping others. When they can not do things on their own. When I serve someone else, I am showing the Love of Jesus to them. Even Jesus himself came to serve.

Mark 10:45 Living Bible
45 For even I, the Messiah, am not here to be served, but to help others

By helping serve others, we are also loving others. If I help someone, I do it in love. I put that person first, above myself. I don't care how much it will put me out, or behind. Not doing it for myself. I'm just trying to show Jesus to others when I help.

John 15:12 Amplified Bible
12 “This is My commandment, that you love and unselfishly seek the best for one another, just as I have loved you.

When I serve someone at work, it shows the coworker my love for Jesus Christ. I do it because of Jesus' love towards me. His love makes want seek the best for everyone.

The image above is a picture of a white board that hangs outside my office at work. We use it for a couple of different reasons. One reason that we use it for is to encourage each other. Either I or some of my coworkers will write scripture on there, or something encouraging to say. We try to lift each other up. Tell them they are doing a good job. That they are appreciated. Whatever it takes to show kindness to one another.

During one tough day, I came back to my office after helping out a coworker who was a little behind. I helped out until they were caught up and then went back to my office. While walking down the hallway, I noticed this nice thank you written on the board (yes I know they spelled my name wrong, but it was from the heart). They really appreciated my help. Not going to lie. It made me feel good. It lifted me up. I am not saying this to say "Keven is great." No, not at all. I am saying this because of the working relationship I have with my coworkers. They know that they can trust me to help out when needed. That is one of my favorite sayings where ever I go. We are meant to help each other out, no matter what we are doing. If we don't, we are doing it wrong.

1 Corinthians 10:24 Living Bible

24 Don’t think only of yourself. Try to think of the other fellow, too, and what is best for him.

I used to get asked why I would help out other departments that aren't mine. My response would be, "I don't get paid by this department or that department." "I get paid by company." "So if someone needs help, I will help them if I can." I would serve them in Jesus name and by doing so, I would show love in Jesus name.

So I encourage you tonight. That no matter what you do. Serve one another & love one another. Just as Jesus loves us!

God bless.