Saturday, June 19, 2021


It was a beautiful day out, so I had all my windows down as I left work one day last week to head over to do my volunteer shift. I stopped at our local Steak & Shake to get a snack. I placed my order and pulled forward so the next car could pull up and order. The car behind me had a couple of guys in it who were just being obnoxious. They were rude to the person taking their order, just being rude in general. Then they set their eyes on me. You see, on the back of my van I have several things that identify that I am a Christian. Stickers, license plate holder, even my license plate itself. All of a sudden I hear from the car behind me "praise Satan!" "Praise the Devil!" Being yelled in my direction. I'm like, "oh great." Then I started to judge them. Telling myself what a complete bunch of jerk, losers they were. Then The Lord reminded me,

Matthew 7:1 Amplified Bible

7 Do not judge and criticize and condemn [others unfairly with an attitude of self-righteous superiority as though assuming the office of a judge], so that you will not be judged [unfairly].

Then I felt The Holy Spirit nudge me, telling me not to judge them, but to pray for them. So I started praying for them. I prayed for softened hearts, that Jesus would reveal Himself right there in their car. I asked Jesus to forgive them for they knew not what they were saying (even though I'm sure that they did). (There I go judging again). I'm still a work in progress!

Then I heard one of their car doors open and close. I'm like "here we go." You know that Christianity is under attack more than ever these days. So I thought that things were going to get physical. I kept looking in my mirrors and could not see anyone. I left enough space between me and the car in front of me to make a quick escape if I had to. I kept looking and looking. Nothing. No one was out of the car that I could tell. Phew!

Then I noticed that it had gotten really quiet. No more verbal jabs, no more mocking. Nothing. When I was finally able to pull forward enough to be able to actually see their car from a better angle, I noticed that not only had God shut their mouths, He also had them roll up the windows. Thank You Lord!

I immediately thought about the story of Daniel and how God had shut the mouth of the lion while Daniel was in the lions den.

Daniel 6:22 Amplified Bible

22 My God has sent His angel and has shut the mouths of the lions so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before Him; and also before you, O king, I have committed no crime.”

So I urge you not to judge other people. I know that it is really hard as I still do it myself from time to time. We need to pray for our enemies. Pray that our lives reflect Jesus and His love for all.