Thursday, May 23, 2013

Finished (for now).

After two years, sixteen classes, numerous tests and a couple of interviews, I am finally a licensed minister. It has been quite the journey, but worth every cent, worry and doubt. I can't believe where I am at today. If you would have told me that in two years I would be a minister, I would have laughed out loud. God's plan is far greater than our own.

I recieved my license in the mail a couple of weeks ago. So when my wife and I went down to the Illinois District Council session on May 21. I didn't know what to expect. How cool it was to be able to walk across the stage, have a towel drapped over my arm by my senior pastor and to be recgonized by the state of Illinois for all of my efforts in becoming a minister.

So for now, my schooling is finished. There is one more year that I can take when I am ready to take it. When I get into full time ministry, I will pick up where I left off with ISOM. Right now I am just praying that God will show me how and where to use my new license. I am praying for guidance, and a little revelation. Most of all, I want God's will to be done in whatever happens.