Saturday, December 13, 2014


Last night (Dec. 12)my company had their annual Christmas party. I had been eligible to go for the last two years, but had not gone. This was the(to me) third year that I was invited to go and my first to actually go. So my wife and I went to celebrate with my co-workers. At this party they hand out annual awards. Bonuses, perfect attendance and MVP. Thursday before the party, they handed out ballots to vote for team members who you thought was the MVP of your team. My name was on the ballot. I thought "yeah right, I'll never get this award." Not that I was trying to. To me I just go to work and do my job and go home. Back to the party. The president of the company gets up and starts the "program" if you will. His first hand out award was the MVP award. He announces a couple of names, and then the shocker of the evening (to me), he announces my name. I am thinking "no way." I get up, go up front shake his hand, take the award, get a picture taken and then sit back down. At the end of the night, the HR person asks me if was surprised about the award. I told her yes I actually was. She was like really come on, you deserve it. I told her that I am just doing my job. Nothing special. She see's it differently. This got me to thinking about the Bible and how I go about work. It says in 1 Corinthians 10:31 1 Corinthians 10:31New Living Translation (NLT) 31 So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. To me, the whatever you do part of this passage includes work or play. So whatever I do at work, I do it for the glory of God! Or it says in Colossians 3, Colossians 3:23 New Living Translation (NLT) 23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. So you see, I just go to work and do it for the Lord. I am not working for awards. My award is in Christ. Yes it was nice to get acknowledged for doing a good job, but again, that's not why I do it. All Glory To God!

Snowy Back Roads!

The Monday before Thanksgiving, we received a little bit of snow. Maybe one inch or so. But the way the wind was whipping it around, you would have thought that we were having a blizzard. I had to go to pick up our dog at the boarders because we had been out of town with my in-laws celebrating Thanksgiving. So upon leaving work, the roads were already getting icy. I work in town, so I thought no big deal. Then I got outside of town and it was a whole different world. I could hardly see where I was going because the wind was blowing around that little bit of snow. The place where we take our dog to get boarded is out in the country. There are no major type of roads to get there, just the little two lane back roads. I mean these roads are a step above dirt or gravel roads. They are tiny. So anyway, I was traveling on the road where this place is located and I could not tell if I was going to drive into the ditch, a big snow drift or what. I literally could not see a few feet in front of my car. And then it happens. I could not believe my eyes. A snow plow. Coming directly towards me. I am like "dear God" I don't need this right now. I could hardly see because of the blowing already that was happening naturally, let alone more blowing from this oncoming snow plow. And as you may know, the plows on these trucks are huge. They take up probably a lane and a half of traffic. I was already on the smallest of roads and now had to deal with this. I started praying "God, protect me now. Keep from going off the road, or getting hit by this plow." I am not sure, but I think that I came almost to a complete stop, and I think that I may have closed my eyes, when I thought the moment of impact was imminent. So I sat there waiting for the crunch to happen, and nothing. I opened my eyes and guess what? The plow was behind me going on his merry little way. I began to thank Jesus immediately. For keeping me safe and for answering my prayer right away. See God doesn't always take forever to answer prayer. He can answer in a matter of seconds. Amen to that! Praise The Lord!