Monday, July 31, 2017

Witness Wear!

I wear what I call "witness wear". What is that you may ask. Well, let me tell you. It is usually a t-shirt or hat that has a Christian theme, saying or message on it. To me it tells whomever sees it that I am a Christian. I have several of these shirts and hats. I am not ashamed to wear them anywhere. Disney World, check. Ballgames, check. I think that you get the idea. I have had several conversations started about these items of clothing. Usually someone agreeing with me about what my shirt or hat say. Others, trying to discuss their beliefs about the Gospel. Sometimes people flat out disagree completely and let me know about it. All are welcome. It gets a conversation started about God, Jesus and the Gospel. Hence the name witness wear. I get to witness to all kinds of different people. Thank You Lord! Recently this Christian apparel that I wear has had a different effect on me. The job that I work at gets very stressful and gets me very angry sometimes. I start to get heated up and my anger is getting ready to boil over, when I stop and think about what I am wearing. I am wearing one of my witness wear shirts. I can not proclaim the gospel of Jesus and the peace that He gives or the love that He shows, by screaming and yelling at someone while wearing one of these t-shirts. How hypocritical would that be! The t-shirt says that you love Jesus, but here you are yelling, screaming and stomping around like a madman. That will not win anyone to Christ. It will not show that Christians are different from the world. The Bible tells us that we should be in the world, but not of the world. I thank Jesus for these clothes that I wear (witness wear), for the dual things that they are accomplishing. All the glory to God!