Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Work Stress!

My boss is on vacation this whole week. So that means that I am in charge of our department in his absence. No big deal you say. I beg to differ. Oh, this year is much different than last year let me tell you. Last year when he was gone, everyday I would have little melt downs. Okay, who am I kidding, major meltdowns. I worked with a guy who was one of the most negative people I have ever met. He made that whole week miserable, on top of all ready being stressed about covering for my boss. I would complain, grumble, moan and groan and just not be myself. I was not being a good witness for Christ. The enemy was definitely attacking. I wasn't trusting God to get me through or to give me the strength and knowledge that I needed. It was horrible. This year is much different. The negative nellie is gone. My new co-worker is a lot more positive and encouraging. We get along so much better than with the other guy. Plus this year, for this week, I given it all to God. Each day is His. Taking them one day at a time. I am leaning on Him, looking to Him and trusting Him for everything this week. So, the first two days of this week have been very chaotic and busy. A ten hour day on Monday. Nine and a half hour day Tuesday. But through it all, God has given me such a peace about it all. He has kept my emotions in check. Given me mercy and grace for the people who have needed it. There are people at work who witnessed my blow ups last year, that are waiting for it to happen again. I have news for you. IT WON'T!! I am in a very different place than last year. I have grown and matured in Christ to ever let that happen again. Jesus has given me a peace that passes all understanding. I am still smiling at the end of the day, just like when I began the day. My trust and confidence come through Christ. He gives me all strength. So I am here to tell you. If you are facing a difficult day or week, trust in Jesus to get you through. I do a lot of praying in the midst of it all. Even when I am driving a forklift and loading a truck, I am praying. Lord Jesus, help me!! Guess what? He does!! He never leaves us or forsakes us. Too that I say THANK YOU JESUS!!