Sunday, June 26, 2016

Feeling Like Jonah.

I am a board member at the pregnancy clinic here in our community. A few months ago, the director asked me if I would lead a prayer evening at our facility. I said "sure, I would be happy to do it." Then reality hit. I am not that type of person. To organize any kind of anything. Even a prayer night. So I started running. Not physically, but mentally and spiritually. I started to feel like Jonah, when God called him to speak to the city of Nineveh. Jonah tried every which way to get out of doing it, but God kept turning him around. Like Jonah, I kept running the other direction. I kept saying to myself. I can't do this, I'm not able, blah, blah, blah. Then at one of our recent board meetings, the director told us that the prayer evening had basically died. No interest shown, no action taken. That really struck me that I let her down. And God. So when I got home from the meeting, I surrendered it to God. Finally! Just like Jonah, I finally gave up and listened to what God wanted me to do. Enough running. Time to man up and do this. So that night in a dream, God gave me the exact details of how He wants me to lead the prayer evening. Down to the most little detail. Then like He has done in the past with me, He kept tweaking it the next day and the next day and so on. I was so excited that I finally let go and let God. I could hardly wait to get to the next board meeting. When I told the director and the rest of the board, they were as excited as well. In fact, it is now on the calendar for a night in August. It is amazing what will happen when you stop listening to yourself and start hearing the voice of God.