Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Would You??

 What would you do if God asked you to do something that our little finite human minds would consider absurd or whacky? Would you go through with it? Or would you question the validity of the request? Did God really, really ask me to do that? Really?

Would you tie yourself up and lay on your left side for 390 days and then your right for 40 days, like God required of Ezekiel? (Ezekiel 4:5-6)

Would you prepare, cook and eat food cooked over human dung (poop)? Again, like Ezekiel had been instructed to do? (Ezekiel 4:12)

Would you walk around your community naked (very doubtful) and barefoot for 3 years, like Isaiah did? (Isaiah 20:3)

Would you go out and marry a prostitute? Probably not. That is exactly what God told Hosea to do. (Hosea 1:2)

Would you take any of your children into the wilderness to sacrifice them? That is exactly what God told Abraham to do. God stopped him from doing it, but he was about to follow through. (Genesis 22:2, 22:12)

Would you go up to high ranking government official and demand that they let your people go? God required that of Moses. To go to the Pharaoh and demand that he let all of Moses people go. (Exodus 8:1)

So God asked all of these people in the Bible to do all of these to us absurd things. They aren't normal by today's standards. I don't want to live by today's standards, I want to live by Gods standard! I want to do what God wants of me. 

1 Samuel 3:10 New Living Translation

10 And the Lord came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening.”

I want to listen to God speaking to me. I want to hear His voice. Leading me, guiding me and directing me!

So my question to you is this. If God asked you to any of the above, would you? Or would you say that is to far fetched to be from God.

My hope is that if God asked, your answer would be yes & amen!

God bless.

Rev Kev.