Friday, February 21, 2014

Workout Change

I like to watch movies while I am working out in our backroom. I pick out a dvd that we have, or a tv series to watch. I am a big fan of the tv show "The Shield". It ran for seven seasons on F/X. I have all of the seasons on dvd. So I began to watch them while doing my workout. I usually had no problem with them. If you know the show at all, it is a bit rough and the language is suspect. Ok, it's really bad!

At the beginning of the new year, I started watching season five. I don't know what it was about this season, but it really started affecting me and my attitude towards everything. I was starting to use inapropriate language at home and at work. My attitude went from being a positive up beat person to being a negative and don't care one.

When watching my dvd's, I always have the volume turned up real loud, so I can hear over my breathing. One day my daughter got tired of my grumbling and complaining and hearing bad language, so she came out to where I workout and told me, that she didn't need to hear the show that I was watching. The bad language, the violence. She was tired of it. Tired of hearing it, tired of seeing it whenever she came out to ask me a question, tired of it affecting me and my attitude. I felt convicted. What kind of example was I setting for my daugther? Not a very good one I must admit. So she challenged me to start watching more family friendly video's while excercising. I have to tell you. It has made a difference. I always say "junk in, junk out". So I took away the trash and replaced it with something better. My daughter is pretty smart, I must say, and everybody benefits from it.

Praise The LORD!!