Thursday, July 21, 2011


I would love nothing more than to say that I have lived my life with no regrets. Unfortunately that is not true. Even as a believer, I have still had some regrets! I am not going to go through all of them. I do not have enough space or time for that. But I will tell you a few that are still with me today!

One day back in high school, our girls basketball team made it to the second round of the state playoffs. My Grandpa and I made plans to head out and see them play. Then one of my friends called with a *better* plan. Or at least I thought so at that time. So I made an excuse not to go with my Grandpa. I have regretted that decision ever since! When he passed away a couple of years later, it really hit me. I could have spent some quality time with him, but I went with a friend instead!

My ex-wife and I divorced when my daughter was just five years old. I was very angry at the situation and I took a lot of it out on my daughter. Her mom would do something to make me mad, and I would punish my daughter for it. No matter what it was, she would be the one to suffer. Finally I had enough, and I prayed to GOD that I would stop this behavior towards her. It was slow in coming, but it happened. I kept asking her to forgive me and you know what? She did! I felt so relieved. If she can forgive me for the way I acted towards her, then I know that GOD can forgive me for what I have done towards Him! Praise GOD!!

I rededicaed my life to the Lord in 2007. I felt like I was way behind on everything Christian. I felt like I didn't know how to pray correctly. I didn't feel like I understood the Bible correctly. I was having issues! One morning at church, our youth pastor was going to be speaking that day. We were going to be doing communion after the service and he asked me if I would pray over one of the elements. I told him no! I didn't feel like I was ready enough to do that. That decision has bothered me to this day! I could not believe that I told him no. How is that being obidient to GOD? So I have regretted that as well, and still do!

It has taken a couple of years, but I have been given a second chance at praying over one of the elements of communion. I wasn't asked before hand. My name was called out and guess what? I stood up and just started praying. What a relief! God sure has done a work in me since that day of saying no! I will probably always regret that day, but God has a way of working things out, for His glory! Praise the Lord!!

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