Monday, September 21, 2015

Wedding = Reflection.

My cousin was married this past weekend. As a standard practice for me at weddings, I started to reflect back on my life. As the bridal party were walking down the aisle to take their places,followed by the bride, my mind started wandering. On things that I have done well. Things that I haven't done so well. My life choices. Things that I have done, things that maybe I shouldn't have done. People that have come in and out of my life. Relatives and friends that have passed on since that last wedding that I attended. These are my standard wedding thoughts. But this wedding was different. It hit me harder. The things from my past. I don't know if it's because I am getting older or what, but wow, the flood of emotions. Looking at the beaming groom waiting for the beaming bride to make her way down the aisle to him. I looked at me wife and remembered that same moment at our wedding. Getting to be introduced as Mr. and Mrs. as you come back up the aisle together. The bringing together of families. Grandma's and Grandpa's. Aunts, Uncles, cousins, brothers and sisters. To see the love shone to one another. The hugs, handshakes and pat's on the back. That is the one thing that I love about weddings. There is only an air of love and kindness. No hatred, no ill will toward anyone. If only we could have this all year long, instead of just at a wedding. As the night where's on, I reflect back on everything that God has done for me and my family. We are a close knit family. Aunts and Uncles are more like second moms and dads. Cousins are like brothers and sisters. For this I am grateful! I love my family and the closeness we enjoy. So I reflect back on what God has done, and ponder ahead of what God is going to do next. I am sure of one thing. It is going to be awesome!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Pointing Fingers

To all of my family and friends who live the LGBT lifestyle. Just because I am a Christian, I do not hate you! We as Christians are not called to hate, but to love. So if a person is claiming Christianity and say that they hate you, they are not being Christian at all. Just let me say that I will not run away from you if I see you out in public. I will not run and hide if I see you in a store. I will most likely greet you warmly with a hug, a handshake or maybe even both. I will not point my finger at you to condemn you. The only pointing that I should be doing is this...pointing to Jesus. I'll let Him take it from there. For many of you, I have known about your lifestyle long before I became a Christian; before I became a pastor. I loved you then, I love you now! So if anyone is pointing a finger at you trying to convict you or condemn you, that's not Jesus. Jesus always responded with love. If we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, how then, can we react any differently. We are to show the love of Christ to everyone.