Saturday, December 7, 2019

My Mom!

I have no idea on where to start with this. My mom passed away on December 1, 2019. We had her funeral services over the weekend of December 6th & 7th. The day that she passed, my world forever changed. I lost a cheerleader, my number one fan, after my wife. She was always there for me, no matter what. From of course birth but so much more. Surgeries, birth of my daughter, divorce, moves, my pastoral credentialing, everything! Even when laying in the hospital she would try to help me. That is a real funny story, but I'll tell you in person if you see me. She would be the first person to like my blog post that I made. Or a Facebook post that I would make. She encouraged me in everything that I did. She simply was the best! I've always said that you will never see me going on Jerry Springer complaining about my mom or the way that she raised me or my brothers.

Proverbs 6:20-22 (NLT)
20 My son, obey your father’s commands,
    and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction.
21 Keep their words always in your heart.
    Tie them around your neck.
22 When you walk, their counsel will lead you.
    When you sleep, they will protect you.
    When you wake up, they will advise you.
I will always remember what my mom taught me growing up. I have always treasured her wisdom, even though I didn't like it sometimes. She always spoke the truth. Even into adulthood I would call her and ask her advice on things. I told someone at the visitation the other night, that since I could no longer do that, I guess I would have to grow up. We had a good chuckle! She taught me and my brothers how to work hard. She had the best work ethic and passed it on to her three sons. She taught us how to drive, how to love, how to laugh, how to enjoy life. Most of all, how to be a good parent. If I could be half the parent to my daughter that she was to me and my brothers, I would be doing okay!
She will be missed by me and my family for sure. But if her visitation and funeral were any indication, she will be missed by a whole community of extended family and friends as well. The stories and memories that were shared with us, taught us even more about her and her love for everyone!
The best news out of all of this, her hospitalization, surgery and subsequent death, is that she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. So we know that we will see her again, for all eternity.
Romans 10:13(NLT)
13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
So we are all mourning mom, grandma, great grandma, sister, aunt, friend. God's word gives us this promise,
Matthew 5:4(NLT)
God blesses those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted.
It hurts right now, but God will comfort us and give us peace. I give Him thanks for that.
Much love to all who loved my mom!


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