Monday, March 6, 2017

Getting Fired!

Let me make myself clear. I have not been fired nor do I think that I am in danger of being fired. But who knows, any ones guess at this point. I had a conversation recently with someone about sharing my faith, and Jesus at work. I have been very lucky the last ten years of my life. I accepted Jesus into my life and heart on July 22, 2007. So from 2007 till 2010 when they shut down our distribution center, I was able to share my faith and the Gospel without any threat of discipline. From there I went on to volunteer at Kish Hospital for a year and a half. Same thing. Using my position to share the Gospel and tell people about Jesus, without fear of retribution. Now, I work for a company who's president is a Christian. It's not a Christian company per se, but he runs it with a biblical mindset. So now I am really able to talk about Jesus, the Gospel and share, share, share my testimony. What God has done for me. So back to the conversation about sharing my faith and Jesus at work. The woman asked me if I was or ever had been afraid of being fired for talking about those things at work. I told her no, I have never been afraid of that. If they wanted to fire me for talking about Jesus, I was more than prepared for that. I told her that if Jesus would be willing to die for me, I more than certainly would be willing to get fired for Him. He has provided every job that I ever had, so I told her that if that were to happen, He would open up a door to something better. Nobody or no one will ever stop me from talking about Jesus at work. I say His name boldly and loudly. Everyone there knows that I am a Christian, and where I stand. I wear what I call 'witness wear.' T-shirts with Jesus' name on the front, back, all over. I have had more conversations started about Jesus because of this 'witness wear.' I always use this verse when I am at work talking about Jesus. Or actually anywhere really. Luke 12:8-9 The Message (MSG) 8-9 “Stand up for me among the people you meet and the Son of Man will stand up for you before all God’s angels. But if you pretend you don’t know me, do you think I’ll defend you before God’s angels? I don't want to be like John and deny Jesus three times. I don't want to deny Him any time at all. Thank You Holy Spirit for giving me the boldness to speak louder than ever before about Jesus! Amen!!


  1. You are so right. If He died for us, what is getting fired for talking about Him? We don't know much about sacrificing for our faith in this country. Yet.

  2. Just blog surfing by and stopped to read some of your blog. I found it very well written, humble and inspiring to all Christians. Thank You, BP in Oregon
