Friday, April 14, 2017

Praise You In This Storm.

This has been the most upsetting, difficult, frustrating week. As many of you know or may not know, we were supposed to close on the house we are selling and on the house that we are buying and then move that afternoon. We are all packed up and ready to go, when we get a call from our lawyer stating that the people buying our house do not have "clear to close". Great! Now what? They are hoping for next week, but even that is up in the air. Who knows if it will really happen at this point. Anyone's guess. Then on top of that, my debit card was hacked, to the tune of $86.00. That is not really a large sum of money, but when you are getting ready to close on two houses, any amount is huge. So I had to go the bank to get this straightened out. So nothing seems to be going right for us this week, to say the least. So what are we going to do about? Stomp up and down? Scream, yell, curse? Throw a tantrum? Yeah, I don't think so. What we are going to do is.....Praise Jesus while going through this storm. I keep thinking of the Casting Crowns song of the same title. Jesus says it best in John 16:33 New Living Translation (NLT)33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” You may be asking yourself "how can you praise Jesus in all of this trouble you are having?" Well let me tell you. I praise Him because we still have a house to live in. Yes everything is in boxes and a pain to have to find and re-open, but they are still here, in the house. Not loaded on a truck somewhere, sitting, waiting. I praise Him for the debit card issue, because I was able to get to the bank right away and get things taken care of, before any more damage was done. The were able to refund all of the charges and make things right. For that, I am thankful and grateful for His provision and protection. So I encourage you that no matter what you are going through, trust in, put your hope in, and praise Jesus for the storm. He will bring you out on the other side! Keep your eyes on Jesus. Once you take your eyes off of Jesus, you will sink. Just like Peter did when he got out of the boat.

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