Saturday, April 22, 2017

God Said No!

I work for a company on the shipping and receiving team. All of our inbound/outbound are scheduled appointments. One day a driver showed up well past his appointment time. When that happens we push them to the back of the line and we get to them when we can. This was driver was so upset that we were not going to put him in a dock right away and start unloading him. He started being a real jerk about it. Raising a big fuss. I stated several times that we were sorry but we would get to him when we could. He went back out to his truck and called our company complaining about the whole situation. The person in the office came down to see what in the world was going on. We explained the situation and they understood. One of my co-workers finally went out to tell this driver to back into one of our docks, so he did. It was my job that day to unload him. While I am unloading the truck, I kept thinking about the way he had acted earlier. I kept getting angrier and angrier. I finally finished unloading him, signed his paperwork and started towards the door, to head out and give it to him. In my mind I was going to give this guy as much attitude as he gave me. I was going to let him have it. Boy was I mad!! Well, I was about halfway between the dock and the cab of the truck when The Lord spoke to me. He told me no. No, I was not to repay evil with evil. 1 Peter 3:9New Living Translation (NLT)9 Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing. Ok, Lord. I'm hearing you. Then The Lord told me no again. No, don't go out there angry, I was to treat him with mercy and grace. So by the time that I reached the drivers door, I was at a complete peace. In fact while dealing with the driver at the end, we were both relaxed and much better towards each other. In fact I asked him if he would like some samples that our company provides of the product that we make. He was more than grateful for that, since it happened to be a little after lunch time. I wish that I could say that this was the only time that this has happened, but alas it is not. The Lord has made me a more patient person in the last few years, but I am not all the way there yet. Things still happen that make my blood boil and my anger to rise. But God has always told me no! Do not take that anger out on anyone. Give it to Me and let Me deal with it. And that is exactly what I have done. It's The Lord's battle, not mine. In Him I place my trust. When God tells me no, it's for my benefit. He is protecting me, and for that I am grateful. Praise His holy name. Rev. Kev.

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