Saturday, May 25, 2024

Kicker Getting Kicked!

 As I'm sure you have heard by now, an NFL place kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs gave a commencement speech for the 2024 college graduating class from Benedictine College. His speech as caused much backlash against him. It has been construed by some as controversial. To some, it was spot on. It seems that much of the controversy comes from the comments he made concerning the women graduating. So that is what I want to focus on. 

This is my take on what he said.

He congratulated them on a job well done. All the accomplishments they achieved in their lives up to that point. He addressed them about having the future wide open before them. The careers they could achieve. Getting a great job, all the promotions & titles they could achieve. But, he also said there was another title that they could get. The title of wife, mother and homemaker! 

That's it. The controversial statement. 

People have taken this and ran with it. Put their own perspective on it. Right, wrong. Up to your own interpretation. Taking a shot at the kicker. They thought that he was saying that a woman's job was to only be a wife, mother & homemaker. I don't think that is what he meant at all. To me he was saying that all of the positions they could achieve in the workforce, being a wife and mother is just as important. While I don't think that a woman should give up a possible career to have a family, why can't she have both? I know plenty of successful woman who both have careers and families! Over half the women that I work with told me that if they could stay home with their children, they would. They only work because they have too. The family needs two incomes to make it. I also know many women who really get emotional when they have to return to work after their pregnancy leave is over. The idea of having to leave their children to go to work. It breaks their heart!

So when did a speaker at an event talking about starting a family cause such an uproar? If he had talked about going out and grabbing the world by the tail, chasing their dreams & living for themselves, he would probably have been lauded. But he didn't. He stood up for the family and it's values!

I applaud this player for taking a stand. People have even wanted him fired by his team for his comments. My thoughts on that are, what if your employer heard what you said to others or in certain circumstances, do you think that you should be fired? We all have something that we said or did that could be controversial. Doesn't mean that we should get fired for it. I'm just glad that I serve a God who is full of Grace and Mercy towards us. We should show the same to others!

Hebrews 4:16 New Living Translation

16 So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

God bless!

Rev. Keven

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