Saturday, July 20, 2024

Even If!

 Imagine if you will, that you are out somewhere with a loved one, or a close friend. You ask them to do something for you. They fail to do it. How does that make you feel? Upset, mad? No matter how you feel in that situation, the person whom you asked is still a friend or a loved one. Aren't they? I mean just because they failed to do something for you, doesn't change their status with you. Even if you spouse does something that irritates you, doesn't stop them from being your spouse. Same with our kids. Even if they do something that you don't approve of, they are still your kids, right?

Could happen with almost anything that you do. Even if.........

Your doctor gives you a bad report. Mechanic says there is something wrong with your car. Restaurant brings you something the way that you didn't order it. Even if all of this happens, it doesn't change who these people are. Doctor is still a doctor. Mechanic is still a mechanic. Same for the restaurant. You may not want to go back to these places, but they are still the same as when you went to them.

I started thinking about Jesus.

I was thinking about even if regarding Him. It says in scripture that He is the same, all the time.

Hebrews 13:8 NLT

8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

So if I pray a prayer that He doesn't answer. Doesn't mean that He isn't God! If things don't turn out the way that I think that they should. God is still God!

Even if my healing doesn't come. Even if my dreams never come true. Even if my world would come crashing to the ground. He is still God. Nothing changes that.

I will give all praise and glory to Him. Even if everything is going sideways for me. He is control, not me!

Even if my breakthrough never comes, I will shout Your praises. From the roof top or the valley. You are worthy of them all.

Psalm 46:10 NLT

10 "Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world."

So I encourage you tonight. No matter what does/does not happen, God is still God. Praise Him no matter what!

God Bless.
Rev. Kev.

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