Thursday, July 25, 2024

Human or Animal........What's The Difference??

 I wonder what all these people who are pro animal and anti animal cruelty think is going to happen when an animal is pregnant. Are they pregnant with a clump of cells or, are they pregnant with what ever kind of animal that it is? A dog will have puppies? A cat will have kittens? A cow/calf? Deer/fawn. I think that you get the idea. So if they think that the animals listed will have those kinds of offspring, why are humans different? A woman is pregnant with a baby, not a clump of cells.

Psalm 139:13 The Voice

13 For You shaped me, inside and out. You knitted me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath.

People believe that if you kill an unborn animal or the parent, there would be hell to pay, wouldn't there?? But abort a baby and it is perfectly okay with people. It seems to me that a human fetus in the womb is expendable! Why is this okay with people? Human life should be cherished, not terminated before it is even born. Who knows what that baby could grow up to be? The next president? Next great opera singer? Doctor? Surgeon? Evangelist? This list will go on forever. You get the idea.

Jeremiah 1:5 Living Bible

5 “I knew you before you were formed within your mother’s womb; before you were born I sanctified you and appointed you as my spokesman to the world.”

People have said that having a baby is an inconvenience. That they cannot have a career or the life that they want for themselves. Hogwash! I know plenty of successful people who have children. Often, more than one! That argument just doesn't fly!

I have been in plenty of discussions about this topic and I'm always asked "if you are so pro life, how many kids have you adopted?" 

Have not adopted one. But I have volunteered at a PRC. Single mom events. Bought diapers and baby wipes for parents in need. Even baby sat a time or two.

Then I counter with "if you are so pro animal, how many dogs or cats have you rescued from a shelter?" Our local shelters are full, almost all the time. "How many times have you volunteered at an animal shelter? To help clean cages, take dogs for walks?"

The Lord loves all life. Human or animal. He created us all. To enjoy each other. I love playing with a dog hopefully just as much as the dog loves playing with me. Cats, not so much! I think that they like to be left alone. To be engaged with on their schedule!

Rev. Kev.

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