Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Facebook Morphing!

Two years ago, when we first got our laptop, I heard about this thing called Facebook. I decided to check it out. My class from high school were having a reunion and in the email they sent out, it said that Facebook was a really good way to stay in touch with old classmates etc! So I checked it out. I nosed around a little bit and thought that it was interesting, so I joined. My wife was like "what! You are not the Facebook type." So the addiction began.

I added friends quickly. People from school whom I hadn't seen in many years, Classmates that were either ahead of me or behind me in school. It didn't matter. Soon to follow were family members, and then people from church. This went on and on, in fact it is still going on.

At first I posted very little. I just kind of watched other friends posts and then comment on them. Then one particular dangerous weather day on my way to work, I posted and thanked GOD for getting me to work safely. The response to that post was very positive to say the least. Well that got me started on posting more and more. Everyday I would post and thank GOD for getting me to work, or whatever happened to me that day. The responses kept getting better and better.

Then my Facebook page morphed into almost a daily scripture passage. I would pick out something that GOD had layed on my heart from the Bible and post it on Facebook. That was very well recieved!

So now, my Facebook page consists of Bible passages, uplifting messages, uplifting video's and prayer. I may make an occassional misstep and post something that isn't really me. Usually someone will call me on it and I'll re-think what I have posted and either remove it or appologize for it. I am not perfect by any means. Unfortunately I have had a few "friends" de-friend me because of my postings, and that is too bad. If people don't want to see my posts on my faith and beliefs then that is their choice. I will not change what I am posting. I am being a light to my Facebook world. I am spreading the Gospel to as many people as I can. If people don't like it, than they can de-friend me. I am not ashamed of the Gospel and I am certainly not ashamed of Jesus Christ! I praise Him for being able to do this. I praise the name of Jesus Christ for whom everything is accomplished! PRAISE GOD!!

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