Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I applied for two jobs in the last week or so. Today I recieved the rejection emails from both of them. I am getting tired of sending out resume after resume and getting nothing in return. I have been unemployed since June of 2010 and I have had probably a total of five interviews in that time span.

Every job I apply for, I am a perfect fit for it. They are for the same postition that I held at my other job. Yet no call, no interview. Today's rejection email was especially painful, because it was at a place that I have been volunteering at for the last 8 1/2 months. I thought that this was in the bag. I have been doing essentially the same responsibilites volunteering as I would be doing for the job. I have already had my immunizations for working with the public, I know my around the hospital, etc. They didn't even offer me an interview. I am not saying that they should hire me, but at least grant me an interview. All of the time that I have given that place, and doing all of the things that they ask me to. I took it as a slap in the face! I may just give up my volunteering gig there.

Jeremiah 29:11For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

I have been standing on that verse for the last year and change. It is getting really hard to do now. I am getting tired of getting nowwhere! I have a lot to offer a job. I feel like my talents are just going to waste sitting at home! I sure hope that Bible verse is accurate! I have been and will continue to trust in GOD!

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