Friday, April 26, 2024

Do It Now (before it's to late)

 Recently, in my circle of family, friends & co-workers, there have been some people suddenly passing away. Going to take a nap during the day. Going to bed after dinner and watching a little TV. Going someplace to visit someone. 

One of my co-workers worked all day, went home and had dinner with his significant other, went to bed and had a major heart attack and died. Everything was normal right up until that point. No warning, no indication that something was wrong or about to take place.

Another co-worker worked all day and the next she was gone. Passed away while driving to visit family. Again, no warning or indication!

People taking their own life. Car accident. Falling and hitting your head in the shower. Sudden sickness with no explanation. The list goes on and on. So many ways for it to be the last moment of someone's life. You just never know.

So why am I saying all this you may be asking yourself. Well, let me tell you why. There are a couple of reasons.


 A lot of these events happened suddenly or unexpectedly. I just urge to hug your family more. Tell them that you love them, every chance that you get. Spend as much time with them as you can. Once they are gone, you will never be able to do any of that. There is no do over button. No undo button. So, do it now before it's to late. 


You never know when it will be your last day on Earth. Anything can come along and take you out. Natural causes, automobile accident, work accident. You never know what. So I urge you to get right with Jesus before you leave this life. Do it now, before it's to late! You may be thinking "Oh, I can do it tomorrow." You know what? Tomorrow never comes. You can't accept Jesus when you die! Accept Him now while you still can.

I plan on loving my family well and Jesus even more! Reminds me of system I saw at a store one time. Good, Better, Best. 

Work is good. Relationships you have with co-workers can be good.

Family is better.  

Jesus is BEST! Having a personal relationship with Him! Nothing better!

So I encourage you tonight. 

Love God, love your family! Be it either blood, friend or co-worker.

God bless.

Rev. Kev.

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