Saturday, November 21, 2020

Separated, Social Distancing, What Ever You Want To Call It.

Ever since this pandemic began back in March, we've been told that one way to help stop the spread is to social distance or be separated from each other by at least six feet. Health professionals thought that, that distance was far enough away from each other so no one could pass the virus along by breathing on them, or coming in physical contact with them.

So with that being in place all of a sudden the one way aisles started showing up in grocery stores. Little red x's were placed six feet apart by the checkout lanes. At work they put lines on the floor six feet apart of where we were supposed to stand while waiting to punch in. They removed a whole bunch of chairs, limiting the number of people who could sit at lunch tables. They even separated the tables apart from each other. Then if the table could have two people sitting there, they put little x's where each person was aloud to sit. Now they have allowed more people to sit at each table, but now they put up little dividers to keep everyone separated.

Then of course there is the mask issue. My work place requires us to wear them all day long, as long as we are not eating or drinking at break or lunch. So that separates us from seeing each others faces. To see smiles or frowns, whatever kind of facial expression that someone is making. All we can kind of really see are their eyes.

So with all of the separating and social distancing going on, there is one thing that I implore you not to do. Do not separate yourself from God. Or social distance yourself from The Holy Spirit. In this season that we are in now, we need to get closer to God, not further away. It even says it in His word.

James 4:8 English Standard Version

8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. 

We need to be in constant contact with The Father. Reading His word, communicating with Him through prayer. We need to really press in and see what God has for us. Although the world around is changing by the hour it seems with this pandemic and what the "authorities" are telling us, one thing will never change. And that is God. 

Hebrews 13:8 New Living Translation

8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

No matter what the government is trying to mandate about this, trying to keeping us away from our family and friends during this time, God still desires to have a relationship with us. He still loves us. No matter where we are at, He is there with us. The government can't make Him separate from us, or social distance Himself from us.

Joshua 1:9 Amplified Bible

9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

God bless you all!!

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