Friday, June 21, 2024

Getting Squeezed!

 A few weeks ago, part of our pastor's sermon mentioned getting squeezed. He used examples like, you can't get apple juice from an orange. Don't get orange juice from a lemon. My moms favorite saying, "you can't get blood from a turnip." This list could go on forever. I think that you get the idea. No matter what you squeeze, you expect the correct contents to come out.

Then he asked a question. What happens to you when you get squeezed? When life squeezes you. Work, family, home? What comes out of you when things don't go the way you expect them to go? Does Jesus come out? Or does the old you find it's way out?

If I'm honest, more times than not, the old Keven comes out. I don't know why. When I say a word or certain words, I immediately apologize to God for using them. Then I ask why that seems to always be my default. I'm a child of God. I am a Christian. A pastor. These words should not be coming out of my mouth. But when squeezed at work, which happens a lot by the way. Here they come! The whole situation irritates me. As I'm sure it does God! I can almost hear Him saying "come on Keven, you can do better."

When I use my printer at work for the first time in the morning, I have to go in and select default printer setting for the one that I use. If I don't do that, who knows where my paperwork will print. That's how I want myself to be with Jesus. I want Him to be my default when I get squeezed. I want Him to come pouring out. Not useless words or actions. I want Him to be glorified. I want people to see Him, through me. Like I said, more often than not, that doesn't happen.

1 Corinthians 15:33 New Living Translation

33 Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character.”

I go in everyday wearing the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). The attacks always come from the rear. Where the armor doesn't cover. I do battle everyday for control of my mouth. It's not fun.

Psalm 141:3 Amplified Bible

3 Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips [to keep me from speaking thoughtlessly].

This is my prayer, everyday. That God will give me a mouth to speak blessings, encouragement and uplifting. I'm a work in progress.

God bless.

Rev. Kev.

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