Friday, June 7, 2024

So Sad!

 I'm sure most of you have heard of the passing of Gospel singer Mandisa. She passed away a couple of months ago, shocking everyone. She was a contestant on American Idol. She had the most beautiful voice! My family and I were fortunate to see her perform live a couple of times. My favorite performance was when she sang with the great Toby Mac!

What makes her passing sad, was the cause of death revealed this past week. The autopsy concluded that she died from complications of having type lll obesity. I had never heard of that type of obesity, so I  did what anyone would do, I Googled it. Type lll obesity was formally called morbid obesity. Because people considered morbid a negative word, they changed the wording.

I used to be her. At one point in my life I was well over 300#. I didn't eat right, didn't really exercise much. I mean I was very active. Playing in three different softball leagues, going to concerts, working a ton of overtime. But..........One day I started having a medical issue. Went to the doctor and was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. The doc started prescribing all kinds of meds because as she put it "you'll never, never lose enough weight to come off the meds!" Challenge accepted. I went on a workout tear. 30 minute exercise machine workouts followed by a five mile walk on a bike path. I lost a total of 127#. Sure showed her didn't I? Despite all of that, the medical professionals still wanted me to lose another 20#. What? Are you kidding me?


I have put about 50-60 back on. It is a daily struggle. To eat, not to eat whatever I want. To exercise everyday. Every day I pray that God will give me the strength to workout after working for eight hours or more. To give me the discernment to stop eating when I should. Like I said it is a daily struggle.

I know many people that are in the same condition that Mandisa was. And if I'm honest, it scares me. These are people that I love and care for. I want them to live a long and prosperous life! I never knew you could die from complications from being obese. 

The Bible talks a lot about gluttony and it being a sin in ones life. People who are obese are not necessarily gluttons. The medical websites that I have looked up to find out what type lll obesity is, says that it is a disease that can be caused by a lot of different factors.

So I pray that God will help with these situations. Help family and friends. I know that He can and will! He is God! He knows what is best for us!

Romans 8:28 Living Bible

28 And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.

God bless.

Rev. Kev.

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