Friday, September 6, 2024

Raised In Defiance!

 Have you ever done anything that someone told you that you couldn't do? Something that other people thought that you were incapable of doing? I know that I have many times. How many times when you accomplish the feat that others thought couldn't be done, did you raise your fist? Many times come to my mind both personally and others that I have watched. 

My doctor told me that I would never lose enough weight through diet and exercise to become pre-diabetic. Oh yeah, challenge accepted! I went on to lose over 100#. The day that I went back to my doctor, she could not believe it. I walked out of her office with my fist raised HIGH!! Don't tell me I can't do anything!

I was baptized in the Jordan river on a trip to Israel. I came up out of the water and raised my fist. Take that Satan. I was baptized in the same river that Jesus was! He wins. I win!

Anytime that I do something difficult at work or anywhere. I get the feat accomplished and raise my fist in victory. Life, you will not defeat me!

Philippians 4:13 Amplified Bible

13 I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]

Watching Ozzie Smith in the 1985 NLCS hit a game winning homerun. Running around the bases with his fist raised high! No one expected that. He was the last guy that people would think to hit a game winning homerun!

MLB, NFL, NHL, golf, tennis, no matter what sport, when something good happens, they raise their fist.

All this to say, that in the face of adversity, telling someone they can't or shouldn't do something, when they do it, they raise their fist, in defiance! Defiance of the situation or obstacle.

Even people did this act in The Bible.

In the book of Exodus, the Israelites were trying to get out of Egypt. Moses kept going to Pharoah and telling him what God had said about them leaving. Pharoah's heart was hardened, so he would never let them leave. Even after God had sent ten plagues upon them, he still wouldn't let them leave. 

Finally, he caught on that The Lord wanted His people to leave. But after they left, his heart was still hardened and he chased after the Israelites.

 I love this verse!

Exodus 14:8 New Living Translation

8 The Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, so he chased after the people of Israel, who had left with fists raised in defiance.

Defiant to Pharoah. Defiant to his harsh ways, and slavery! Obedient to God and His ways!

So the raised fist of defiance goes all the way to the Old Testament in The Bible.

What a good place to start a trend. Biblically! 

God bless,

Rev. Kev.

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